Somewhere between “I want to play sci-fi video games all day,” “I want to invent everything ever,” and “I want to go on a 6-month backpacking trip in the wilderness.”

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Not to be “that guy” on top of you being “that guy,” but it’s not unheard of to completely redirect a dammed river with a chute spillway. I’m gonna pretend the spillway exits that mountain to the right of what we can see lol

Me if I were in my 20s in 1994 Hey wait is that that spastic drummer from Nirvana? What, thinks he can pull off being a front man? Psh…

Thanks Dave Grohl for being like, the chillest rock star ever.

God, there’s a joke in there about 404 (famous drum sequencer, often referenced for its kick sample), but I just can’t get there