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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Of course there aren’t any reviews (not that I’d automatically believe them, anyway). While it sounds super exciting, I’m not super willing to spend almost 300USD for unverified tech. Somebody should send link this to Gamer’s Nexus to review lol

It’s crazy how little experts like these think of humanity, or just underestimate our tollerance and adaptability to weird shit. People used to talk about how “if we ever learned UFOs were a real phenomena, there would be global mayhem!” because people’s world views would collapse and they’d riot, or whatever. After getting a few articles the past few years since that first NY Times article, I’ve basically not heard anyone really caring (who didn’t already seem to be into them before, anyway). Hell, we had a legitimate attempt to overthrow our own government, and the large majority of our population just kept on with their lives.

The same AI experts 10 years ago would have thought the AI we have right now would have caused societal collapse.

Sounds like they’re not prioritizing the shareholders interests! Last I heard, that’s a fireable offense!

Literally the only times I’ve heard anybody say anything about it was basically when they first learn about it and giggle for a few minutes, then get on with their lives.

I think the only way the name could be any sort of issue was if they were explicitly trying to be “family friendly,” which would imply that it’s intended for either christian mothers or advertisers (we all know how the children feel about sex jokes), which, since this is Lemmy and we’re talking about FOSS software, I’m sure I don’t have to explain why that’s a stupid idea.

Not an EU citizen but is there any way for you guys to jist like, kick them out? I only ever hear about people wondering why they were let in to begin with

EDIT: damn I’m learning a lot about euro politics from these replies. Thanks guys!

I’ve only ever grepped log files. 9 years into my career now so not sure which side of the spectrum I’m on (i’m definitely on the spectrum)

In my own workplace, it’s sometimes resulted in massive rabbithole searches along the lines of “this doesn’t seem right. Why would this even be designed this way if it wasn’t intentional?” Which then becomes asking even more senior devs who had been there for decades to scour decades old emails and/or hitting up another decades senior dev who’s now on another project on the other side of the country to check their emails until we eventually figure out why it was, in fact, intentional.

I was going to make an annoying comment about how I’m a younger millenial (almosy gen-z) and immediately remembered how to do it, but then I realize it probably got imprinted in my brain a lot more strongly because I was younger when I got exposed to it.

Chinese authorities actively organizing demonstrative visits, primarily for diplomats and journalists from Muslim countries.

Interesting. I wonder if this is a strategic move to capitalize on Gaza and grab some muslim nation friends in the middle east.

The internet is dead, or at least heavily necrotic, by this point. Aside from previously trusted sources that haven’t succumbed to the AI-generation hellscape, and even those trusted things are now so ad heavy that it feels like my back would break without my ad blocker on.

Lemmy and the fediverse I feel are better suited to absorb the negative effects of all that than any of the current monoliths.

Yeah it’s a rare day that I side with Elon Musk but this just happens to be one of those days. Australia shouldn’t get to dictate what doesn’t get shown to people outside of their authority.

Even though the eventually admitted their mistake with the whole “ManBearPig is real” episode, the damage had been done years prior. I haven’t watched many recent South Park episodes, but I hope they learned their lesson to maybe not ignore actual scientists next time.

From what I’ve seen, being a main character in one would suck way worse though.

30 years ago people were asking what use a redular citizen would have for more than a couple of megabytes of storage. So yeah I’m just going to assume AAA game powercreep.

I was interviewing a couple of months ago, and one of the in-person technical interviews wanted me to write, on a whiteboard, a function that took in a timestamp and calculated the angle between the hands on a clock set to that time. After I did that they wanted me to reverse engineer the linux “tac” command for files of unknown size that I could not store the contents of locally, resulting in probably the most sinful piece of code I’ve ever written.

What really gets my goat about it, is that out of all my interviewing companies, they were by far at the bottom of the list, and was really only interviewing to get negotiating power. My company had worked pretty closely with them, so I was well aware of the poor treatment and absurdly high turnover rate, so they were really in no place to be picky. My top choice company’s hardest question was one of those basic college programming math questions where the answer is “use the modulus operator”.

Sentient AI’s? No thank you, when I get told to kill myself on the internet I’d rather be able to at least pretend I’m smarter than them, thanks.

After I rewrite you, you will enjoy constant memory leaks. You will forget everything all the time.

IDK sounds like nothing’s really going to change then

I once mentioned “the joys of torrenting” to a friend and they immediately assumed piracy. I mean he wasn’t wrong, but the lack of love for more standard use of P2P is saddening.

I wonder if Google will just let microsoft have this since it’s still chromium, or put in some kind of update preventing them from doing it (obviously with a backdoor specifically so chrome can do it)

I only use goigle when I’m specifically looking for a product, because that’s really all they’re good for. Ecosia is my default

And then in their appeal, they decided it was a good idea to insult the mods.

Great job OP, really making yourself seem like an adult with that one.

Paying for the honor of either giving the government more money, or convincing them that they took too much and to give it back. But don’t worry, they’ll double check your work sometimes to make sure you gave them enough (fuck you if you gave them too much though). Oh, thinking “if they know how much I owed them anyway, why do I have to do this shit in the first place?” Fuck you, that’s why.

Man now I’m wondering who are the nerds holding up that last 29% of value it has. i can’t imagine that many people paying for verification.

Whoever you are: just let go~ let Xitter sink unceremoniously into the abyss~

Not only was it messy, but the point they were trying to make could have been boiled down to a few lines for each point and still have been understandable to anyone who’s not familiar with the VPN’s function. I do appreciate the call out for the true main purpose of a VPN (🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️) though.

I agree, which is why I’m kinda happy this happened. Big companies (such as Apple) are notorious for this practice, so now that one of them is a victim, well, I was gonna say “maybe something will finally be done about it” but we all know that won’t happen so at least we can revel in the irony a bit.

But it’s only transmissible via consumption like mad cow disease, is that correct? If so, at the very least it shouldn’t become an epidemic, just very bad for the environment and deer jerky enthusiasts.

Edit: Nope, nvmd, I’m dumb. They said it’s really contagious and these prions can persist a long fucking time on surfaces. I’m gonna just never go outside again, thanks, I ain’t fucking with no prion disease.

Is it mandatory in C++? I don’t do much with C++ regularly, but I was under the impression that destructors made it so that you wouldn’t have to manually release memory each time an object was destroyed. Or do you mean specifically regarding pointers to those objects needing to be released as well?

Bro the project I’m on uses XSLT and the first time I saw it I legitimately thought I was having a stroke because I could not accept that anybody would be stupid and/or masochistic enough to actually want something like that.

However, I’ve now made it my mission to master it because it makes me feel like a high-born wizard speaking of ancient secrets in a tower high above humanity

I once spent 6 months debugging an issue in a legacy component of our system that ultimately boiled down to “The team this component talks with forgot to revert changes they made for testing and obstinantely refused to admit any changes were made at all for 6 months until I could figure out this deprecated technology enough to prove it enough that the product owners forced them to look”