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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Oct 18, 2024


The feds bought the pipeline in 2018. There is no private ownership.

White nationalist books planted in little free libraries across Ottawa
Copies of a book promoting white nationalist ideology have been placed in community-run library boxes in neighbourhoods in parts of Ottawa, prompting a police investigation. Christine Young found several copies earlier this month when she decided to check out a few little free libraries near her home in Barrhaven. Young, a federal government consultant, never expected to repeatedly come across the same book — one that denounces immigration, multiculturalism, advocates for a white ethnostate in which racialized communities would be classified as second class citizens.

Air Canada had no idea these passengers were on its flights and cancelled their tickets home
Go Public has learned of five other people that Air Canada also incorrectly deemed "no-shows" on three other trips, cancelling their return tickets and refusing to accept evidence such as boarding passes — even selfies taken on the planes — they hadn't missed an earlier flight. The cases are cause for concern, since airlines need to know exactly how many people are on the plane and who they are, says an expert on methods of boarding passengers onto planes. "If it is a systemic problem, like their computer systems not talking to each other, they should get it fixed," said John Milne, an associate professor of engineering and management at Clarkson University in Potsdam, N.Y. "In the meantime, how can you ... cancel people's return flights when you know your records aren't reliable?"

Ugh. Sorry about that. It’s changed since I first signed up.

Thank you. Your numbers are outdated tho. Here are updated counts from Toronto’s 2021 Street Needs Assessment., page 20-21.

That said, it is the failure of modern governments to enforce such moral behaviour these last two decades especially, but it is also a failure of us voters to force them to make good and uphold such morals in the first place.

I would also add that the encroachment of the religious far-right from America has had a detrimental effect on how voters judge who is and is not acting in a “moral” way. Religiosity is still seen as having a “moral code”, even tho there are dozens/hundreds of immoral acts commited by such people (and institutions).

I would recomment registering on Canada’s National Do Not Call List. It doesn’t help all the time, but in this instance of political calls it should.

Personally I’ve been registered for about 20 years and rarely get any unsolicited calls now.

I’m wondering where you see mostly male unhoused people, as in what areas of your city you frequent. Because if you aren’t visiting red light districts where unhoused women often ply their trade to gain financial resources, I would suggest your anecdotal evidence is skewed at best.

I can’t find a comprehensive list, but I did find a 2024 interprovincial co-operation report:

  • pg 10 has a table showing select barriers to internal trade
  • pg 14 is a table showing ease of doing business in multiple provinces
  • pg 17 has a table showing barriers to labour mobility
  • pg 31 has listings of items with or without reconcilliation agreements

This is the most concise source I can find.

According the Constitutional divide of fed/provincial powers the only thing the feds can do is provide funding. Then it’s up to the provinces to use the funding appropriately.

The Liberals aren’t the problem as the feds have little to do with provincial issues.

This is on Drug Fraud’s shoulders alone … and he couldn’t give a shit about poor unhoused women’s deaths.

He thinks he’s opaque but people can see right through his machinations and manipulation.

New data suggests most Ontarians are against Premier Doug Ford’s call for an early election. CTV’s Colton Praill reports.

Recently released data for the first six months of 2024 from Toronto Public Health has found that the median age of death for women experiencing homelessness in the city is just 36. In 2022, unhoused women who died in Toronto were on average 42 years old. That number was 43 in 2023. The median age at death for men experiencing homelessness in the first half of 2024 was 50. Torontonians residents, in general, live much longer with men typically dying at the age of 78 and women at the age of 85, according to 2022 data.

Manitoba among provinces that stand to gain the most from gutting trade barriers, experts say
As calls grow for removing Canada's interprovincial trade barriers to help counter the effects of a potential trade war with the United States, some experts say Manitoba is among the provinces that stand to gain the most from any regulatory cuts. That idea was borne out by a recent index from the Montreal Economic Institute, which in 2021 suggested that if those barriers had been completely eliminated in 2020, Manitoba's gross domestic product per capita would be nearly $5,000 higher in 2030 compared to a status quo scenario. Only Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador would have seen greater gains, the institute said, with GDP boosts of $10,000 and $9,000, respectively. The idea of reducing barriers to trade between the provinces and territories isn't new, but has gained renewed attention in recent weeks, with federal Internal Trade Minister Anita Anand saying this week those barriers could all crumble within a month.

A potential U.S. trade war has breathed some life into the fraught idea of shipping oil through Hudson Bay
A sudden, rash move by the mercurial administration of U.S. President Donald Trump, in terms of oil tariffs or the Enbridge pipeline, would be a serious source of financial concern, even for Canadians who are eager to see the country wean itself off oil production as a revenue source and hasten the transition to a clean-energy economy. This has Canada suddenly considering its short and long-term export and transport options for an industry that will still be around for a few more decades. That includes breathing some life into an idea that sounded fanciful mere months ago: Transporting oil across the northern Manitoba muskeg and filling tankers at a port on Hudson Bay.

Gatineau shipping container village full after one month
A new project providing transitional housing in converted shipping containers in Gatineau, Que. is proving a success, advocates say. On a parking lot next to the former Robert-Guertin Centre in Hull, Village Transitiôn aims to reduce homelessness by providing private and safe lodging to residents who previously lived in tents. The first residents moved in shortly before Christmas and already the 40 units of the project's first stage are full. "It's small ... but it's perfect," said one woman. CBC is not naming her due to the potential stigma associated with homelessness.

Canada doesn’t need fElon Musk invited up here to fuck with our lives.

Nope nope nope.

I use Mullvad, based in Sweden. Works great for me.

All billionaires are scumbags. Pretty sure they taste like it too.

We should just leave them for the wild animals to take care of.

Tbh I wouldn’t even know where to start with a drone. Do I get one for monitoring or carrying a p load?

I’m an old woman and seriously considering spending my tax rebate on getting my gun licence. A trauma kit is getting added to the list now too.

Donald Trump’s tariff threats have sent most Canadians into a panic. But for the country’s corporate class, the crisis has spelled opportunity. They’re pushing their long-standing wishlist of corporate tax cuts, deregulation, and austerity—and even expressing appreciation for the U.S. president’s bullying. The head of the country’s most powerful lobby group, the Business Council of Canada, sounded positively grateful while attending Trump’s inauguration. “I think we owe the president a thank you,” CEO Goldy Hyder told journalists in Washington, D.C. “He’s woken us up.”

Do you think the cops would have done the same thing if it had been a white woman who was found dead on a neighbour’s doorstep?

Manitoba Tory leadership candidate jokes about letting polar bears loose to combat homelessness
Manitoba Progressive Conservative Party leadership candidate Wally Daudrich joked to a group of party members this week he could reduce homelessness in Winnipeg by letting polar bears loose downtown. Daudrich, who operates ecotours to view polar bears east of Churchill, on the coast on Hudson Bay, made the comment as a joke during an appearance at a Winnipeg hotel on Wednesday night. "We have a homeless crisis here in Winnipeg. I always say where I come from in Churchill, we don't have any homeless people. Anybody take a guess why?" he asked, eliciting laughs. "When there are serious repercussions for a bad lifestyle, people smarten up very quickly. So my plan is to import 10 polar bears and let them go in front of the Ledge," Daudrich said, referring to the Manitoba Legislature.

You argue a lot for the benefit of the cops here. You a member of force or what?

Too often cops ignore what happens to First Nations people and blow them off.

This is what happened here.

Good thing the CBC questioned the cops, because otherwise nothing would have been done.

And again, as always, ACAB.

Fucking cops ignoring clear signs this wasn’t just an accident.

Jesus Fucking Christ already!

April Woodhouse, 50, was found lying outside on the steps of a house in Pinaymootang First Nation—about 240 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg—not far from where she lived. In the hospital, she said they were told April had signs of internal bleeding. When Stagg went into the hospital room, she noticed something else. “I was holding her hand, and I noticed her hands were badly beaten,” she said, adding there were marks on her sister’s body. When Stagg called RCMP, she was told her sister’s death was not being considered a homicide. When CTV News first reached out to Manitoba RCMP on Tuesday, a spokesperson said April’s death was a “medical incident.” However, one day later, RCMP responded to CTV News again. This time the police said an investigation is underway.

I think anywhere facing south would be fine. I mean not all of us live on the 49th parallel.

The feds could fund it easily if they started forcing rich people to pay their fucking taxes, especially since the CRA hasn’t even gone through the Panama Papers leak to chase down all those scummy twats.

#TheMoment a Manitoba family deployed googly-eyed hockey sticks to poke fun at Trump
Shannon Proudfoot, Aaron Maciejko, and KJ de Groot recount the moment googly-eyed hockey sticks were stuck in a snowbank to poke fun at Donald Trump and his demand for 24/7 eyes on the border.

B.C. teen who worked with The Flaming Lips gets posthumous album release
Four months after she died in a car crash, Nell Smith, the B.C. teenager known for her collaboration with the Grammy Award-winning rock band The Flaming Lips, has had her first solo album announced. The album, Anxious, is scheduled to be released by Brighton, U.K.,-based record label Bella Union April 11. According to the label, profits from the album sales will go toward a memorial fund established to support young, emerging artists. Smith's parents, Jude and Rachel Smith, told CBC Daybreak South host Chris Walker that listening to the new album was challenging, so soon after their daughter's death.

The idea that a crown corp that benefits everyone in Canada but is NOT funded by our tax dollars makes no fucking sense to me at all.

Canada Post laying off dozens of managers amid shaky financial future
Canada Post is laying off dozens of managers in an attempt to save money after years of severe financial losses, CBC News has learned. The layoffs include firing three senior executives last month — most notably the company's chief financial officer. Two vacant roles have also been eliminated, resulting in an overall 20 per cent cut to senior management, Canada Post said. "They're not handling mail or anything like that," he said. "To the public, this will largely be invisible ... this won't impact service," he said. The Crown corporation, which does not receive taxpayer funding and is expected to sustain itself based on the services it offers, has been bleeding money every year since 2018 — totalling more than $3 billion.

A portion of that arrest was captured on video and has since been shared on social media. It shows an officer standing on a man’s chest. The man, whose hands appear to be restrained behind his back, is heard yelling about his heart.

All cops are vindictive assholes all of the time.

Nope. Just clarifying which PDs are in charge of which areas.

As always, ACAB.

Alberta leads Canada in support of joining the United States, with 12% of respondents saying they would “definitely consider it,” followed by 7% saying they would “probably consider it.”

The difference isn’t with the word “consider”.

It is between the words “definitely” and “probably” … and adding those two percentages means almost 20% of Albertans are OK with becoming American.

That’s cool. They can move if they want. Lots of other citizens would welcome the opportunity to buy their homes/acreages.

But the land and oil stay with Canada.

Please show me the stats that proved the RCMP have the same problems (ie: in-custody murders, use of excessive force, etc) in Quebec as they do in the rest of Canada (except ON ofc).

Please show me where I said that the RCMP doesn’t exist in Quebec.

If you can’t, and just read what you thought was there, it would be a good time to stop arguing.

The RCMP “C” Division is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police division responsible for federal policing in the Province of Quebec. Approximately 1,500 police officers, civilian members, and public servants work to a number of different lines of effort, including financial integrity, national and border security, and organized crime enforcement.


Their power in Quebec is limited, ie: they don’t do traffic stops, etc.

The RCMP aren’t a problem in Quebec?

Nope, because Quebec has its own provincial police force – the Sûreté du Québec – just like Ontario has the OPP instead of the RCMP.

The Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba (IIU) confirmed it has launched an investigation into the arrest that happened Jan. 31 in Mosakahiken Cree Nation. A portion of that arrest was captured on video and has since been shared on social media. It shows an officer standing on a man’s chest. The man, whose hands appear to be restrained behind his back, is heard yelling about his heart. In a release, RCMP said they are aware of the video but said it shows a “small portion” of the arrest, and confirmed the IIU had been notified.

“He wants us to recognize that Canada enjoys a very special relationship with the U.S. that no other country in the world enjoys, and just show the respect of taking seriously the fact that they’ve got people dying and they want it to stop,” Danielle Smith said, referencing the fentanyl overdose crisis, Trump’s stated reasoning for the tariff threat. In an interview on CTV’s Power Play with Vassy Kapelos on Tuesday, Smith said the comparison many Canadian officials are making — that the amount of fentanyl seized at the Canada-U.S. border is a fraction of that seized at the Mexico-U.S. border — is “not a very persuasive argument.” “We should stop making excuses,” Smith said. “Stop saying, ‘Yeah, but we’re not as bad as the other guys.’ We should just say, ‘Yes, we agree, and we’re going to take care of our part of the issue, so you don’t have to worry about us anymore.’”