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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I might check this one out later. I usually use audiobookbay, but half the links are dead if it’s more than 5 months old. And i keep forgetting to try and log in at the right time for Myanonymouse.

Same. We have seen nothing but reddit shitting the bed. If people are still staying everything, they’re not as likely to leave. If this doesn’t do it, then that’s that. The subs I would consider stating for are dead. Emulation has a post from yesterday, and then 5 days ago. EmulationOnAndroid is still private. Sad to see the community not there anymore, since it was a great way to keep up with everything that was going on, but if they don’t pick up here I’ll just watch some YouTubers and move on.

I would argue at some point they would need to reject modern living as a whole. Go build an A frame in the woods. Forage for berries and shit. Many aspects of the ways we live cause deaths. Like cars hitting animals. So if a single animal is too much, I have a feeling they should really be following that mindset.