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Cake day: Feb 04, 2024


Polls show liberals tracking behind conservatives by 20 points back in July. Even if this figure is exaggerated, when you include the loss of that so called “safe” seat in June, the trend is only worsening, and everybody but Trudeau can read the writing on the wall.

Dont dismiss this as “fake news” unless you want a conservative majority next election.

Defend your stuff with a gun, and watch how fast police respond.

Pathetic. If I had to start over, I’d go into petty theft as well, knowing how poorly it’s policed.

I completely disagree with the idea that people who do not choose to display unfettered consequentialism are responsible for negative outcomes, especially when the numbers are so small that it’s barely relevant. Your view of politics is so polarized and embittered that it alienates anybody who looks at the world with shades of grey. Believe whatever you want, but if your takeaway is that the Liberal party should blame everybody else but themselves for their loss, then you will be just as rudderless as the party leadership when they lose the next election.

That is an absurd argument to make in a functional democracy, and I find it appalling you lack any self awareness of how entitled and cynical you sound. Why not direct this venom at the people of the riding who didn’t vote, rather than the people who participated in democracy as intended? Why have venom at all?

If I was a swing voter, I would make sure any party whose supporters try to guilt trip me for exercising citizen’s rights to vote (for whoever I want) is punished at the ballot box. That’s not a winning strategy - that’s being a sore loser.

I don’t disagree with that. Poilievre won’t want to burn political capital on this issue and would much rather neglect these services, even if it’s fiscally irresponsible to saddle future governments with the bill for cleaning these messes up. Yea, it is exhausting to watch important services degrade day by day.

But once again, this only underscores the need to establish electoral reform so that a plurality of 40% will never again grant the Conservatives a majority government with which they can sledgehammer our institutions.

You aren’t comparing Poilievre to Trump are you? Despite my misgivings with Milhouse, he is a regular political opportunist (though like Doug Ford, that can still cause problems for people). Swinging to the opposite extreme and making him sound like the antichrist erodes any chance of honest discussion we have with more moderate fiscal conservatives (the social conservative crazies that want to ban abortion will live in their own world no matter what).

You have a fair point about people displaying their privilege when saying they can tolerate a lost election. I know others don’t have that luxury, but I’m not saying ignore everything, or don’t vote. The climate is a wedge issue that affects everybody world wide, regardless of their political affiliation (or lack of), which is why I emphasized it.

This discussion started because of a comment supporting strategic voting, and extrapolated consequences and value judgments from there. It’s an issue with the electoral system that requires electoral reform.

Hah, I don’t care about Trudeau (and certainly don’t want to sleep with him like some of the more vocal fans), and lose either way as an NDP supporter. The entitlement to other parties’ votes is laughable. You’re bothered by the vote splitting? Perhaps electoral reform would help with that (I would’ve even accepted the ranked choice system that the Liberals proposed back in 2015, but even that didn’t materialize).

The NDP will only have a real shot at power if the Liberals crash and burn, similar to the provincial NDP (but fuck Andrea Horwath for wasting her party’s chance).

As for dealing with a conservative PM, well, I’ll be fine, but he’s still going to drag the country backward on climate policy. I hope y’all are rich enough to handle the rising costs of climate change (which will continue to rise even if Poilievre axes the carbon tax in total denial)

No, you don’t get to blame third party when this riding was overwhelmingly Liberal for 30 years. Plus, the margin of victory was so small that they didn’t even need strategic voters to win it themselves.

This was a de facto referendum on Trudeau himself, and he would be wise to take heed of this warning.

Fuck Shoppers. High dispensing fees mean literally anybody else can do it better. Switch to your local pharmacy.

Disappointing to hear of this. He had a sharp tongue and I liked some of his critiques when he was still writing occasional columns for the Globe and Mail, but I didn’t realize he already lost his journalistic integrity…

It’s so bloody stupid that a Loblaws owned grocery store gets to keep the name of Independent. Why do we tolerate this dystopian double-speak?

Anyways boycotting isn’t viable for me so “shrinkage” will have to do.


Fear of losing bodily autonomy and control to mandatory vaccines, fear of government overreach (easy boogeyman to paint), but most of all, fear of unknown things they don’t understand (microbiology and immunology).

Too bad they will have to relearn the fear of losing their children to a formerly eradicated disease.

Of course, the bastards with a financial incentive to profit from any patsy that falls for it also perpetuate this cycle of fear and loathing.

Your situation is not applicable to why the lawsuit exists.

It’s the idiots that pirated and leaked TOTK a week before the release date that gave Nintendo ammunition for this case. As a result, everybody who is using Yuzu legitimately will suffer for it.

I think the part that hurts is that nobody in the Israeli government has any idea what to do with Palestine and its people after the shooting stops, other than the far right nut jobs calling for expansion of Israeli settlements and de facto ethnic cleansing of the land.

Without a viable strategic end goal other than the destruction of Hamas as a military force and political entity, and a refusal to recognize a Palestinian state, what other conclusion can bystanders reach aside from seeing this war as an effort to destroy or displace the Palestinian people?

Gut the police budget because this is a city without crime!

I’m going to enjoy watching the UCP squirm when the water wars arrive.

That’s a good point. It doesn’t have to replace all use cases, but just handle the most common ones more efficiently (without being prohibitively expensive to purchase).

Change is scary for people, but we must adapt to free ourselves of our addiction to oil and gas.

I agree with all of you, though the fight for expanded public transit will be even harder than that of electric cars (just look at Toronto’s light rail/subway woes)

There’s several big problems that impede adoption of electric cars, one being limits to battery technology (like winter performance, charging speeds, and mileage off a single charge). Although they have gotten better over the years, there’s still more room for improvement. Another issue is that a sizeable chunk of the population lives in rural and remote areas, where the necessary infrastructure to support electric vehicles simply doesn’t exist. But even in more urbanized areas like Southern Ontario, the network of charging stations for electric cars is not consistent enough for many people to switch. There’s no excuse there - multiple Provincial governments failed to address this problem due to a lack of vision and forward thinking (or lobbying from automakers against green policies and infrastructure that hurt their bottom line), while most voters were too busy worrying about carbon footprints (corporate gaslighting) rather than discussing long term solutions.