• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 01, 2023


If the raise prices too much I’m going to finalise my plan to move to YouTube Music family plan. Additional bonus will be no more adds on YouTube.

Don’t fall for this self hosting stuff. It’s well meant and great for single tech enthusiasts, but with family, you won’t have enough time to do the required upkeep and the whinning you will here from dependents when stuff goes wrong isn’t worth it.

Every rejection is a step forward. It’s only failure if you learn nothing from it

Nice app, like the idea of it being just plain text, but will stick to one note myself. The synch service is a must for me, and don’t want to pay for another service, when onenote and onedrive synch all that I need.

An interesting app nevertheless and am sure will suit many users.