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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


The foundational principle of Israel is the expulsion of Palestinians from Palestine since they are the chosen people and the land belongs to them.

Or those Dairy lobby ones that talk about how much work they are doing to save the environment. What a crock

In one of my old jobs we had a couple thousand line shell script called something like prod_corrections_adhoc.ksh. It was used to jam through emergency fixes between code releases.

It still has ‘adhoc corrections’ from 2006

I definitely do not value having lifetime access to 99.999% of the media I consume enough to have to deal with hoarding physical copies.

Too bad I just had my second round of COVID at the end of August. If this booster had been available a couple of months earlier maybe I would have been able to prevent it! Thankfully because of the vaccines both times I’ve had it were mild

I agree with your overall point but not the metaphor. Printing is more like using hand tools than cursive is, given it is slower and less mechanically efficient.

I personally write almost exclusively in cursive. Printing always felt so much more unnatural to me given that it requires lifting your pencil far too often. All of your time is spent lifting and resetting your pencil.

Having said that, I know my feelings on this are outside the norm. And I know for many it is seen as having a steep learning curve.

What about lending? The key economic function of banks is transforming liquid customer deposits into longer duration loans.