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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Even though it’s something that’s technically correct on a philosophical level for SOME outlier patients, and in an ideal world and ideal system we could implement it well, I don’t think our system is anywhere close right now. Working in the healthcare system I don’t know anyone who’s eager for this or who knows how we’re going to sort through the massive haystack of innappropriate requests this will trigger, to correctly identify the few " needles" that it’s actually ethical for.

Absolutely braindead on the part of the league once again. Hope this gains lots of media traction and they’re forced to answer even more uncomfortable and embarrassing questions about it.

This thorough, week long investigation has concluded that it was kind of humorous.

Yep. All the arguments from the time of how the free market will be better, keep aging like milk, as moves like this progressively whittle down any semblance of competition.

One solution would be to pay at the time that you order, but then I’d be horrified at the concept of being asked to tip BEFORE your meal, in which case tipping switches from being mild/borderline extortion to being full-on blatant extortion. So, credit card for deposit would be better, like someone else suggested.

Or, if the point of this isn’t to ask for solutions but to complain about ‘people getting worse’… There’s always been shit-heads and there’s always going to be shit-heads out there. Maybe the percentages are shifting, but if so it’s likely the not-so-new problem of cities growing bigger and feeling less like a community, and if someone doesn’t feel like they have any connection or responsibility to the people that live around them, then this and countless other crimes and social breakdown tend to result. Maybe the nature of the internet and media etc. is making that worse, but if so it’s still only a different flavour to the old and ongoing task of maintaining social cohesion one generation to the next. I admit, some days I almost want to lose faith in that, but it’s gonna take more than an increase in petty theft to do it today.

God I hope we can stand our ground. We need a domino effect of countries to turn the tide, the first few will always be the hardest though.