Random Joe, or should I say… GNU/Joe

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 28, 2021


Simplex.chat is promising, with great privacy/anonymity concepts at its core:

  • no identifyer like a phone# or an email address needed
  • little to no metadata transiting by the server
  • identity management (“incognito” identities generated in one click when joining a group for instance, management of several identities), all database/client-side.
  • works with any server, through tor by default. different servers used to send/receive messages.
  • android/ios/linux-tui/linux-desktop/macos/windows versions available
  • in Haskell, so no node/electron shtf#ckery (just a different shtf#ckery… ;)) )

do you think a company like cloudlare.com, that injects its javascript in between given site and you, will hesitate one second before transmitting its data with the FBI (or any other police), and help them tracking users down?

I agree with the geneal idea that one could do even more than what the GPL does, but i think it does a lot already.

On the case of Android, i think Google doesn’t care too much about the kernel code itself, wouldn’t mind contributing back to it if they had to, as the entire ecosystem of software around the kernel is what they use to capture users and keep control of their devices… GGL doesnt need the kernel for that, and the linux kernel is a smol drop of code in the ocean of a prison that is android…

See how Google is adverse to the use of the AGPL in their own products https://drewdevault.com/2020/07/27/Anti-AGPL-propaganda.html this would in practice force them to reveal to their users how they process their data, and would probably scare them to death…

So I am not a proponent of copyright, but it seems that GPL and AGPL are pretty effective tools at discouraging corporations in some cases (not perfect though)

sounds like pure intimidation to me.

1/ one could have “never received this letter”

2/ one could decide not to pay, and then what? will they go to court? based on what evidence?

3/ if it ever goes to court, “i don’t know, i wasnt even home that day” should always work no?

i don’t understand while in some countries (actually only one that i know of, Germany) people seem to be terrified by this lawyer’s spam…