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Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


I don’t know why this isn’t talked about more, but the reason for the disconnect is that USA has become a petrostate. As a petrostate, the rich get wildly rich and makes the economy look good, while the citizens are fed a bunch of religion to keep them from protesting.

Yup, most of the world has gendered clothing. But this is China, where for decades they rejected that. Their school uniforms still rejects gendered clothing.


It’s only relatively recently come back from Western fashion.

They’re literally trying to fight against what your talking about to such a degree that even your normal concept of gendered clothing is different. And I know that’s hard to wrap your head around, but that’s exactly why I’m saying, it’s not exactly what you think.

*Edit: Let’s look at this from another angle. China has been trying to enforce gender neutral ideas for some time, like gender neutral clothing. All this push for gender equality has lead China to become the home to the most female billionaires in the world.


The Chinese government is 25% female.


So it’s in China’s position that while not great now, by constantly pushing gender neutral laws and trying to prevent sex being displayed in public, they’ll create equality.

As you point out though, that often leads to oppression and other terrible side effects.

I’m saying, I do not believe i personally understand the situation enough to make a judgement call. I just want people to be aware of what’s actually happening and not that it’s some kind of governmental anti-LGBTQ+ push. It’s China trying to be China for better or worse.

Yes, but they are applying it equally. They are banning all mentions of sex, not just queer sex. They are censoring anything that shows too much skin, not just queer dressing. This is why I pointed out them censoring a video game made for kids. Basically they said a leotard was too revealing.

The problem isn’t the enforcement. The problem is the reporting. As society there reports against the LGBTQ more than other ones. Again, that’s not the government doing anything unequal or targeting. Which is why I said it’s not exactly an LGBTQ issue. It becomes one because of the older conservatives.

Again it’s not about LGBTQ. It’s anything to do with dressing different or talking about sex. That’s why boy love films are so popular in China. They dress them in fancy traditional garb and have sexual tension but no kissing or sex. Hell some of them got so popular they got onto Netflix.

Here’s the main Chinese propaganda mouth piece promoting it.


Everyone is getting prosecuted equally so no it’s not an LGBTQ issue anymore than breathing is an LGBTQ issue.

I’ve already talked about it. When China doesn’t know what to do they censor everyone. But there are still gay bars and gay pride has gone into dance clubs.

Heres a guide on where to go.


Heck, they censored one of their most popular videos games genshin impact because it was too sexy. They censor straight sex too. In fact you could argue if they didn’t censor gay pride it would be preferential treatment.

Hell your quote literally says it.

Chinese Communist party’s broader crackdown on civil society and freedom of expression.

Yes I did. Here’s a few quotes from that article.

While China has a law against domestic violence, it fails to adequately protect victims, especially LGBTQ+ people, say advocates, with crimes often dismissed as family affairs


Li Tingting (left) and Teresa at their wedding reception in Beijing, China, July 2015. Li, 25, a prominent rights activist announced their marriage in an effort to push for LGBTQ rights in China

As well as it gives several examples of abusive families who manipulate the law to attack those who help their children. Like the trans woman who tried to protect the run away trans woman.

I said it’s not good. But it’s not the government pushing this. It straight says so in the article in the quotes I’m posting.

Not that I am OK with how China is dealing with these things, but this is not exactly an LGBTQ+ issue. As per the article, the reasons for the arrests are kidnapping, not any law against being gay. In fact, China has essentially civil unions for gay people who want to be in a recognized relationship.

Ironically, in this case, it’s not a government problem but a societal one. The older generation is very conservative. They set the tone for a lot of censorship. So while your free to be gay or whatever, you can’t talk about it or make media about it. This is to not offend the older generation.

The older generation can inflict immense damage on their children as the article points out. If you disobey your elders like your parents, the police will tend to favor the elders as we see in this article.

As a cultural issue, this has kind of been the case since Confucius times. China is kind of famous for over controlling and overbearing parents. And in this case, the government backs them even if the official policy is to let them be. For example in 2017 China ruled that gay conversion camps illegal. Yet the problem still persists in 2019.

Of course as per usual, when the government doesn’t know what to do, it tries to censor everything and hopes it goes away on its own.

Like I said, not OK with it, but we should all be aware what it is and be aware of biased reporting from the news.

Well, Chinese cities will seem western and modern to you as well. I have family in China also. The media twists everything that’s happening and well, I’m sick of it. I guess in some ways this is just me acting out.

My biggest issue is whenever USA has beef with China for God knows what, Taiwan gets dragged into whatever is going on. Leave us alone, that’s all I want. In this case it’s semiconductors.

The first Taiwan strait crisis was because USA wanted to beat up on China for the Korean war. Second crisis was a continuation of the first one.

The third Taiwan strait crisis was similar to Nancy Pelosi’s visit.

So from my personal point of view, it’s constantly the US stirring up trouble. Not everyone in Taiwan shares my views on this stuff. I’m at this point only talking what I believe.

But we all tend to agree to just keep our freedoms and the status quo.

*Edit I should add I dislike both China and the US and think they’re bullies. They’re bullies who bully each other and uses Taiwan as a flashpoint.

That is correct. Taiwanese people are generally ok with the situation and have what we want so don’t stir the pot. Also, I realize in that post I wrote pro-China. That’s incorrect, both the TPP and KMT are pro-negotiation with China which I am too and I dislike the DPP who wants to disengage. However, technically all parties are against independence.

To add my own personal opinion, I want people to stop talking about war and conflict with China because I think it’s hurting Taiwanese businesses. I believe if we just let things lay and don’t stoke the flames, Taiwan would prosper more.

*Edit: To expand upon my anger at people constantly saying China is going to war with Taiwan, who would invest in a nation that is going to war? It creates a situation where people think twice about investments. Better to keep our status quo and to stop talking about war entirely. Taiwan is free, this election clearly shows what we do and want is up to us. Stoking the flames of war only causes people to want to visit less and invest less. Taiwan is a beautiful place that is wonderful to visit. But if you think missiles are going to be lodged at Taiwan, you’re less likely to be a tourist. This is why I’m on the side of 60% of Taiwanese and with the TPP and KMT, TPP more than KMT but as a third party they get less votes. OK I’m rambling but I think you get it.

Oops, I miswrote, I meant pro-engagement with China.

As to you quote, here’s a more comprehensive article on Ko.


and here’s what he thinks about the possibility of invasion.

“China doesn’t really wish to attack Taiwan

Your quote is just saying the same thing that Xi says all the time. That a military needs to be ready for war.

Taken out of context constantly in western news. All XI and Ko is saying that we don’t think there will be war, but if it comes to it we need to be prepared.

KMT isn’t pro-China, nor is TPP. Stop putting words in my mouth. I said KMT is pro-status quo and TPP is pro-engagement. Only the DPP wants to completely veer away from China. There also is no evidence that TPP wants to fight for freedom. I have no idea where you are getting that from. They want diplomacy, not war. I don’t know why you westerners think of everything in terms of violence. It explains a lot why there’s so much violence in the US.

Yup, which is exactly why the Taiwanese wants to keep the status quo and not get into conflict with China. We’re already free, why stir the pot? Who cares what China says about who owns what. Now your getting it.

I have stated nothing but facts. TPP wants to engage China.


KMT wants the status quo.


Instead of refuting facts, the above poster resorted to insults. So yes, I insulted him back.

I expect you too will not refute facts but instead keep insulting me.

What your getting at is in my opinion, the core of the matter. It’s really an issue of shared decisions. Each side is trying to position themselves to get the lion’s share of them. The truth is, regardless of Taiwan and China call themselves one or separate, ultimately it will always be an issue of what decision each side gets to make. In many ways we see that playing out in the US/China relationship as well.

TSMC isn’t really that important. Without TSMC and US interference, China would have just chugged along anyway. And we are seeing even with US interference, China’s plan is to just chug along. It’s the US that keeps bringing up TSMC because as you mentioned, it’s a decision that’s getting more and more out of US’s ability to make decisions on.

China doesn’t care about TSMC, it never did, that’s a US thing. China was always planning to out compete TSMC, that’s what made in China 2025 was about. It’s the US that panicked and tried to stop China from doing just that.

You could argue USA is trying to start a war by making China want TSMC, but recent events show China is intent on surpassing then still, regardless of what USA wants.

Jack Ma is fine and is still a multi-billionaire. What about it? And rubber ducks and Winnie the Pooh are both still big sellers in China. Again, not sure your point.

Hong Kong was returned on a lease? There’s no lease in Taiwan and the Taiwanese voted how they wanted? Not sure your comparison here.

Kind of. It’s basically an unfinished civil war. At this point for most Taiwanese, status quo simply means we have the freedom to do what we want and we can get advantages from China and the US for standing in the middle. Taiwanese people also know that China blusters and constantly give meaningless final warnings. No Taiwanese person believes China will ever attack.

My problem is, everytime we get into the news, there are economic consequences. Like TSMC losing business due to American sanctions. So my goal here is to try to get everyone to just leave us alone so we can live in the peace and prosperity of not being in the news.

See, you don’t know and try to force your narrative on others. And if we actual Taiwanese people tell you no, you mansplain it to us. This is why I hate people like you.

Shows how little you understand. KMT wants the status quo, TPP wants to engage China.

No and that’s what annoys me about how people talk about Taiwan with no understanding of what’s actually going on. Status quo is Taiwan and China are one, but Taiwan runs itself independently, just as Taiwan wants.

And when it came time to vote, that didn’t happen. So yeah your pills are biased.

I said they wanted status quo. Which we do. You people keep telling us it’s about independence. It’s not.

Psst, here’s a secret, it wasn’t important. The western media made it seem way more important than it was. If it was so important and war could have actually happened, then it would have already.

Well, look at the results. Only 40% voted for the DPP. 60% voted against the DPP. It’s just the 2 more pro-China parties got their vote split. Not so in their congress which is now mostly KMT.

So if we take the popular vote, Taiwan voted for status quo, not Independence. China’s noticed that and that’s why they’re not doing another blockade.

But that goes against your narrative so I’ll bet you downvote me and ignore the actual votes that do not support your argument.

They absolutely love it and are asking China to help them implement it in their own countries. What people don’t understand is this isn’t about stopping or oppressing the Islamic religion. What China is doing is turning the Islamic religion into a state controlled apparatus. They weren’t destroying mosques, they were rebuilding them in China’s image.

They didn’t stop people from worshipping Allah, they made it so that if you worship Allah, you’re also worshiping the CCP. For all of that, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are incredibly jealous. They too want the Islamic religion to become a state controlled enterprise. What China is creating is a state controlled religion. One that all the other Islamic states want a taste of. This is why Turkey is quiet on this. While part of NATO, Turkey wants a piece of that action too.

Pfft the democrats are in on it. Just look at Pelosi getting away with insider trading. They’re all in on it together, there aren’t republicans and democrats there’s the corrupt government taking our money.

Don’t forget Clinton and Trump both liked visiting Epstein’s island.