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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


You think I don’t know that? It’s an issue as well, federal vs provincial powers are defined but the federal government can’t help but interfere? Well, there’s a fucking issue with the federation and the amount of taxes that they collect then!

Remember, every time the federal government is giving money to finance programs that fall under provincial jurisdiction (when they’re not simply running the program) it’s a government mostly elected by people of other provinces that’s deciding that and you’re just one out of 28+ millions electors, come next election the government can switch and all that financing can simply stop even if your province (where your voice is a much higher percentage of the eligible voters) has been electing the same kind of politicians for decades, won’t matter, people in other provinces decided that your province was gonna lose funding for programs that benefit you.

Funding it is overstepping, if the federal government has enough money to fund things that fall under provincial jurisdiction it only means you’re paying too much federal taxes.

Not without infringing on provincial and municipal powers and you shouldn’t be in favor of that because the closer a government is to you the more power you have over it.

Fucking Canadians by creating jobs in Canada instead of letting Chinese workers replace workers in Canada? Welcome to geopolitics! I bet you’re against globalization but since it affects your pockets you’re able to twist your mind in a way that it makes sense to you.

So? We’re protecting our own industry

You guys would prefer to see us lose all expertise and have everything made in China and imported to Canada instead? When you lose your job don’t come crying.

The majority of the cost of living stuff needs to be solved at the provincial and municipal level, you should learn about the different powers each level has.

The reason why it’s logical to do it in the US is the same as why it’s logical to do it in Canada

The only reason they’re cheap is because of government subsidies back in China and the goal is to eliminate the competition so they can then raise their price and make us dependent on them even more than we already are.

“He is kept under restrictions as decided by the prosecutor. TV in his cell. He can buy cigarettes and sweets from a kiosk that comes Monday and Wednesdays,” Kristina explains.

“He is offered one hour ‘outdoors’ each day in some kind of exercise yard with high concrete walls. That is all he is allowed to leave his cell for. No gym, no opportunities to meet other people except for the guards.

Ok so I think what most people think about when they talk about solitary confinement is the US version where you have a small cell with a toilet, sink and bed and that’s it, you’re behind a door with a small window and sometimes you don’t even get an hour of exercise…

Why would he need to be in solitary for being a flight risk? Sounds like you’re mixing up regular prison and solitary confinement…

“Risk of doing business” until it happens to you, then the State better save you, right?

Not really, there’s a few manufacturers but none of the big ones have made a serious push for it. Farmers are extremely conservative and wary of things they can’t repair themselves, there’s a reason why you still see them using 70s and 80s tractors on the daily and they’re still able to repair them.

They can ask if to help in fields that are their jurisdiction while also telling them to fuck off when it’s outside their jurisdiction.

Ex.: Border control and immigration is a federal power, if they let more people in and it puts a strain on the provinces then they should pay for it. Healthcare is a provincial power, if the federal government has money to spend in that field it means everyone is paying them too much taxes.

Sure they’re forcing the provinces to do things that might be advantageous to the average Canadian, at the same time it’s the average Canadian’s responsibility to elect governments that will implement those things in their province instead of electing conservatives at the provincial level and progressives at the federal level.

We’re currently talking about federal politics so yes

Glad I’m in Quebec and we have our own alternative

The landscape is pretty different, all the left wing parties formed an alliance and the “centrist” party agreed with them to remove candidates that would split the vote and they only did that for the second turn.

Over here that would involve the Liberals, NDP, Bloc and Greens doing the same thing but we don’t have a second turn!

People who won’t pirate no matter what happens will just resort to subscribing to whatever service is available to them and watch whatever is on there, I’m 100% sure the government would barely get any complaints. Heck, it wasn’t that long ago that it wasn’t even a choice, your watched what was playing or what you had taken the time to bother and record.

I believe it’s more than time we start forcing multinational corporations to pay taxes based on where they made their revenue and not based on where their headquarter is established.

People would turn around and subscribe to Crave, which is Canadian and therefore not affected by the law.

Wouldn’t want to have to take 30 seconds to put the ball on when they actually need it!

Well the fact that other parties wouldn’t agree with the Liberals’ solution didn’t help (even though it would have been better than what we have at the moment).

It matters if it means companies don’t actually do anything to improve their emissions and just finance production instead. All that solar energy could have been produced by a crown corporation so the state would reap the profits and it would have forced Amazon to actually improve.

In Alberta you can’t refuse to let someone exploit oil resources found on your property but you can’t willingly let someone develop solar energy on your property.

Solar farms are financed by giant companies (with the biggest one being financed by Amazon) as a way to greenwash their emission numbers even though the electricity being produced isn’t used to power their own infrastructure.

“illegal protest”

Insurrection, let’s call it what it was, saying you want to hang politicians is vastly different from a simple protest, so is using what is considered torture tactics on the local population.

If you’re going to launch an insurrection against the government don’t be surprised if it retaliates. Would you say it’s scary that the government does the same thing for terrorists?

“especially when the numbers are so small that it’s barely relevant”

Small like all the people who voted for fake candidates as a form of protest that would have been enough to swing the vote in the Liberals’ favor? “We’re so angry that we let the person from the party that never supported any electoral reform take the seat instead of the party that tried to do something about it and failed, that will show them!”

There are consequences to your acts in life and no one can take the blame for those consequences but you.

If you can’t accept the fact that we don’t have a proportional system then the only problem here is you. FPTP requires that people vote strategically, it sucks, but that’s what it is.

I’m just as mad at the people who don’t vote at all, don’t worry, but if you vote and only end up splitting the vote so your vote ends up counting as a vote for the person completely opposite to who you want in power instead of the compromise that actually has a chance to get elected then you’re just as much part of the problem. Not realizing that means people around you (and potentially yourself) end up suffering. You can think it’s me guilt tripping you all you want, if you take the time to think about it you already know it to be true.

And you won’t get it with either party that actually can get elected but your life or the life of people in need will get a whole lot worse with one of those parties. If you don’t care about that and live somewhere where the Conservatives can potentially get elected then go ahead and split the vote by voting NDP and I hope you sleep well at night knowing that some people are getting deported because of people who decided voting for their favorite party was more important than protecting other humans.

He might not ban abortion, but he already said he’s ready to use article 33 to bypass the supreme Court on prison terms for violent crimes and when he starts feeling pressure from the social conservatives in his party and he’s facing the possibility that they’ll jump ship, you can be sure social issues won’t be a priority to him, even if it’s just cutting funding here and there so he indirectly ends up closing abortion clinics or homeless shelters.

It’s not only about climate change though and it’s not only about you being fine. People thought the same way you do and got Trump elected and now abortion is getting banned all over the USA, but hey, at least some progressives can say they didn’t vote for Hillary out of principle?

Don’t have much integrity if you make decisions that will mean the people you want to protect will suffer even more just because you want to be able to say you sticked to your guns.

Cut your nose to spite your face

You’re angry at Trudeau? Fine. Get PP in power and see how things go for you, I’m sure the majority of people who think like you are the ones who will suffer the most under a conservative government. You do you, I’m a white man with a good job that owns a house and I’m still trying to improve things for those who aren’t as privileged instead of thinking about myself and voting for lower taxes and less services for those in needs, maybe you should do the same.

Pretty much anything would be better than what we have, in the meantime we need to vote strategically or we end up with the Conservatives which just makes things even worse.

What I see is 5k NDP and Greens voters who would rather see a conservative MP having the seat than make sure it’s someone fairly progressive in place.

Oh and enough people that voted for fake independents to make a point in favor of electoral reform to make a party that has always been against electoral reform take the seat.

It’s not a fucking proportional system, vote strategically you idiots!

Chantal Hebert talked about it on the radio the other day, there are people who make 50k/year who are now convinced that their taxes will increase because of that…