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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


I’m saying that won’t be a factor in their decision. In a sane world, you would want to avoid that. Over here in the Land of the Free, y’all can raise our costs by 25% and the people at the top will pander about how unfair the 35% increase is while pocketing the extra money the whole time. When all news sources a person gets parrot that same information repeatedly, the populace buys in.

Sadly, you are very mistaken if you believe that anyone in America, including large portions of its populace, are concerned with actual health outcomes or costs. I once had a coworker use the fact that his mother currently could not afford the costs of her broken hip as a reason that we should NOT have universal healthcare access. Literally told me ‘where is her help’ while also asking why he should pay for others healthcare.