
Internet should only be accessible through the command line.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


wouldn’t have even noticed if you hadn’t pointed it out.

Yes and I think that would’ve been a good way to roll the change. There will be people who dislike the change or the concept (me included). Roll the change quietly or posting about it on project relevant communities. Then on the site displaying the banner have a note about the project leading to further reading about the project, such as posting similar to this.

This way there would be information for those interested, not only about the project, but the change that had occured too. And ideological opponists would be blissfully ignorant about the whole matter.

But this is just one way to do it. Any way works. Have a good day. 👍

Edit: unaunerisming the post

I understand the commenters point, even though I find it poorly conveyed. Some may find this a cool AI-generation project. Does it have anything to do with piracy, the point of this community? Barely if at all. So while it may be foolish and silly to berate the owner of the system, I think this is not the right place to publish about this project.

And I really don’t think people can be blamed either for bringing out this issue.

Please consider my message in good faith.