• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 28, 2023


Well, I think this may be not a bad idea at all. However, what would really stop me from using your search engine is if my search queries (or anything else I send) were somehow tied to me and/or sold to someone. Please don’t be like Google, Microsoft, or OpenAI.

Is it ok if I skip some challenges or do them later? University final exams are comming up soon for me.

I would like to see:

  1. Corporations treating their customers like people, not just bags of money.
  2. Corporations and employers to stop spying on people. Like, it makes me feel so unsafe and that I can’t really trust them.
  3. People becoming more tech literate.
  4. Open source software, such as Linux being used by more people, especially those who are not so tech literate.

I would like some advice on where to go after university
I am currently a Computer Science student in university who really loves Linux and FOSS software, hates it when governments and corporations spy on people, and would probably rather have a job that brings meaning and benefits society than one that has a high paycheck (although I do recognize that I also need to have enough money for food, housing, .etc). I also watch Scammer Payback and Jim Browning and I love what they're doing, but I don't know if I could turn that into a real job. I've thought of doing pen testing (later on in my career), but I've come to realize that it is better if users just started using privacy-respecting FOSS software like Signal, because if you give a hacker enough time, patience, and the right resources, they could hack into anything. Although for something like banks, I'd maybe be ok working there, as everybody still needs them and they're not going away any time soon. I also need something that I could get into fresh out of university or even as an internship or co-op. Am I being too pessimistic? What would you suggest me to do? Feel free to challenge my views on life.