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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 01, 2023


Why wouldn’t they, it’s not like anyone is making them act differently.

The corpos will get rid of copyright when it becomes inconvenient. Like when they want to use copywritten data to train AI models.

You can lead a troglodyte to knowledge but you can’t make them think.

I’ve got a better argument but it won’t hold up in court. If a company is making a profit then all costs of production, operation, and provision have been covered, every single shareholder from the individual worker to the CEO to the suppliers have all been paid adequately and fairly for their contribution, the consumers with the means and ability to contribute have, and I thank them for enabling the ability to socialise access to the product for the rest of the society that propped up the corporation so that it could produce.

If you want to argue that suppliers, producers, and workers haven’t been adequately and fairly compensated for their contribution then why is there a profit margin?

In fact, it’s morally acceptable to socialise the benefits and production of any corporation making a profit, though the law has this pesky tendency to call it theft.

Are you free to learn or consume as necessary for your survival from the society you’re expected to grow to support? No? Then you have a need to pirate.

I am an anti-theist. I am a follower of Jesus mythos. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi - “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

A Middle-Eastern Jewish Socialist walks into a marketplace…

As long as a company is making a profit all costs have been covered, all employees, suppliers, and producers have been paid. Those in society who have the means and the will have ensured this product exists and has been paid for and I thank them for their contribution. That allows the rest of humanity to enjoy the socialisation of their contribution to the masses, who have not the means or the will, but who ensure the rest of the system is available and working to support everyone’s ability to contribute.

If you want to argue that employees, suppliers, or producers aren’t adequately paid, then why is there a profit margin?

Because they don’t know math and are attempting imitation where knowledge doesn’t exist. The LLM has knowledge and a statistical model. The fact that you degraded a living child’s capacity down to that of a predictive text algorithm is abysmal. That child is already learning truth and objectivity and love and hope and so many things that are intangential and out of reach of an LLM.

Some of them are right special snowflakes. I’ve had posts approved in writing by one mod only to have another ban my account, lmao.

Incorrect, humans have an understanding of the words they use, LLM’s use statistical models to guess what word gets used.

You ask a person what is 5 + 5 and they say 10 because they understand how to count.

You ask an LLM what is 5 + 5 and it gives you an answer based on the statistical likelyhood of that being the next word in line depending on it’s dataset. If you’re dataset has wrong answers you’ll get wrong answers.