• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Canadians don’t like buying things made in China despite buying the majority of our goods from China.

This is written as if it is bad news, but it’s good news right? Investment in fossil fuel is slowing and renewables is increasing.

I don’t completely understand the focus on bank financing. Banks will finance profitable projects in countries around the world. It’s the job of governments to make fossil fuel project unprofitable. The financing is a symptom, not the cause.

The fact that real per capita gdp growth is no longer declining is a huge win in my opinion.

And he gets paid for it? A lot of times you end up giving power away for free.

It’s actually such a great policy. There is no more economically efficient way to reduce CO2 emissions. We can argue how high the carbon tax should be, but we should not be arguing about whether we should have it.

Shit coffee and an even more shit company. Sells “Canadianess” using cheap foreign labour and takes the profits out of country.

I couldn’t believe it either. This is a weird timeline.

I was expecting this to be another one of Nate Erskine-Smith’s petitions.

I have an alert for anytime someone says the word “vegan” in parliament. The results are usually him or Conservatives worried about “radicals”.

Anytime he does anything I’m suspicious who the money is ACTUALLY going to.

How do you make your almond milk? There are a few gadgets, but I’ve also seen the cheese cloth method.

Also, good on you! Making stuff from scratch is better, healthier, and cheaper.

Every couple of days there a shooting in the news and the victim sounds like he’s from somewhere in the middle east.

There’s a good chance you forgot to inflation adjust one of those lines.

For the climate, probably, but for acute health effects and smog, coal is so much worse.

The word for natural gas leaks is so good, fugitive emissions. I think the government is doing a reasonable job at tracking them though and they make up a significant amount of the carbon budget.

I know! The biggest hostility in my mind is from everyone that voted for him hoping he would actually do something meaningful on electoral reform.

Thanks for sharing! I love this country too. It’s not perfect, but it’s closer than most places.

But on cash or debit? That’s the thing here. Interac is fine as far as I know and cashless. It’s the credit cards that are sketchy.

Once you get this far down the thread you realize how complicated it actually is and why most people have no sweet clue how it works.

You can also just say to follow the Canada food guide. It’s pretty cool that that guide actually aligns with this diet (and the science in general)

Yeah, we already have an investment problem in Canada. Workers do extra unnecessary labour because there is less investment in them relative to the US. I see it at my work. We do extra work to shoestring together the tools that American companies buy for their employees. We try to compete on cost of input they compete on cost of output.

The fact that there are more than a hundred Indian students in PEI alone tells me we definitely do have a problem with too many foreign students.

It seems like we are slowly trying to turn around outsourcing everything to China. I wonder how far and how expensive it will end up.

Also, an insane amount of video surveillance from millions of phones.

Climate changes increases insurance premiums
Recent CBC article citing statscan data.

I was gonna say. The tenderloin should fit fine because for 28 bucks it’s going to be tiny.

Honestly, for a mayor in Canada I feel like that is entirely appropriate to not take a stance on foreign policy.

There’s some reporting at the US border. The cartel brings you to the border and tells you what to say for a price in the thousands per person. They put you through and you tell them you are in specific personal danger if you return.

I don’t know if this guy counts as a journalist, but here’s a youtube documentary: https://youtu.be/buZWVQuqx0o?si=Zs03_FBV9ck6EfCX

I think the bigger problem is the amount of people seeking “asylum” vs the people actually needing asylum. In both the US and Canada it is being used as a loophole.

CPC Signing Up New Candidates
I feel like the CPC is trying to import the American constant election news cycle to Canada.

This sub is entirely CBC
Why is this sub just CBC news stories? Does a bot add them all? They are mostly empty with no comments. Makes for a strange feed. Edit: I think I just need to figure out which way to sort my feed. Sorting by hot gives me almost all CBC. Edit 2: CBC is great. I am commenting on the state of c/Canada, not the quality of CBC