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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Lots of BYD in Europe, you can watch them on YT or others, people love them

LOL what a loser, I saw the video, it’s all part of youtube video from USA, Slovenia, etc, what a bunch of losers

Montreal is losing thousands of people every year, it’s a shithole

I learnt Caml in the 90s at university, I was completely lost, in Prolog too.

Never ever TD, years ago I bought stocks of a company, through TD system, stocks were in Deposit/Withdrawal at Custodian (DWAC) and it took TD 1 month to find them and transfer them to my account, I needed to threaten them and went up to the ombusdman, I let dozens of messages, never ever they called me, only the dreaded email “we will ask for a transfer”. At one time I received an email with a phone number and “call me”, it was finally someone at TD who knew what it was and fixed the problem in 24h. Incredible. Never ever do trading with them.

I was using standard editor and cli for years, but for a couple of years now I’m using code in Linux and it’s really good

Senior dev here, and dark theme is the best, really, how could we used white as shit screens/IDE before is beyond me. Everything is dark theme here. Using dual 27" 4K (in Linux, using 120DPI for fonts), lot of spaces, readable, smooth fonts

It’s horrible, I did pure C for years but now I have to code in C++11 or worst like C++17

Absolutely, first I think it is a provincial jurisdiction, and for instance Québec already said that they will align with NY state jurisdiction, so this petition is useless.

Do, or you will get like us in Québec, 700+ family doctors moved to private. You want to see one in a few hours? it’s 150$. Else go to the ER and wait 24-48h

Like the good old BASIC compactor we had in the 80s, and this also exists for Javascript, replace all variables with a to z then aa to az etc if more than 26, compact every line with ‘;’ etc in the end it’s uneradable

Dis ce que tu veux mon ami, mais je suis inscrit au “guichet accès santé” depuis que ça existe, et je n’ai jamais eu de médecins de famille.

I’m in QC and on the waiting list for 10 years. What is a family doctor? It’s unknown here. And even if you have one you cannot see him before 3 or 4 weeks, so you go to the ER or private doctor

this is what I’m doing too, so at least it’s not compiled and better than a /* */ as you can keep all the code intact in your #if 0

I remember learning Caml in (French) university in 1996, it was brand new and from INRIA guys, I understood about nothing about it :)

Perfectly legal, they wrote the laws for themselves, there’s nothing you can do.

This exact same thing can happen in Québec with appartements less than 5 years old, the infamous F part, In Montreal a LL can increase your raise from 2500$ to 9500$ if he wishes.

Not if the apartment is less than 5 years old, there’s no limit in this case

It’s especially rent, there was an article in Québec about someone who saw her rent increase from 1750$ to 2900$, condo was not re-sold or anything, it’s just the owner who want to eat poors.

In Québec there is a case of an ungendered teacher who want to be called “Mix Martine” instead of Mister/Madam, and some people are bashing here and there on social network…

While we are missing 1,859 full-time teachers and 6,699 part-time teachers.

I think, in Montréal, let’s say a private contractor build 50 condos units, he must build/reserve 2 social ones, or pay a fee. What do you think he does? Pay the fee, divide by 50, include it in the condo price.

Some people have good incomes, but cannot anymore changes houses every 5 years because it’s out of control, for the price and interest rates, so they use their income to buy cars/RV.

Also some are leasing even if it’s like 800$/month just to show their car, I know people who lease big Volvo, Porsche, etc.

Me I keep my 10yo Sonata, and if it dies/crashes, I don’t think I’ll be able to buy anything more than 15k :-/ What’s available for 15k ? a 2006 Sunfire?

«The majority of the census workplace safety complaints were traced to western and central provinces.»

Like? Alberta? Draw your own conclusion?

AirBnB is horrible, in Montréal there is families in the street and a lot of people struggling to find something/just live, and there is something like 13’000 airbnb, most of them illegals. They are building thousands and thousands of condo, at 400k+, I checked some around me, they are 600k+, plus easily 400$/month for taxes, and have like 600$ fee every fucking month on top of that. Who can buy that? Or they are building “condos for rent”, you can not buy them, only rent them, 2k+/month. How can people earning 2k/month can live?

Watch out for his massive bonus for having efficiently reduced the payroll!

It’s incredible, I remember in the 90s in university, some students were king of Latex and made incredible beautiful paper full of complicated mathematical formula and such

In Québec, power comes from Hydro-Quebec and is owned by the government.

Hundreds of people live in the streets while there is like 13’000 appartments on Airbnb.

Tornado touchdown in Barrhaven
it's coming to Ottawa/Montréal...