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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I may need to do that. I suggest that everyone stream the original file to avoid transcoding but they just may need to do it. Thanks!

I have a similar setup. The only strange thing is that one house always seems to have buffer issues while the rest don’t (they’ll start a show and it will buffer every few minutes). What would you recommend in that situation kind stranger?

As someone who recently joined, it’s been great to see all the books available. A caveat: there are a LOT of rules to follow. They can be difficult to follow if you deviate from the norm, such as using a VPN. They aren’t insurmountable but they take time to adjust to.

One rule that was strange at first: You can’t download anything you want right away. You have to earn points first in the community and over time you will gain access to the bulk of the library.

I wish there was an easy way to watch the non-main four sports like tennis. I would love to watch the early matches at Wimbledon but it’s really difficult!