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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Oct 31, 2024


There is no such “Team Canada” except for dogma and conformity to distract from the culprit to blame. Look at the ones who push the mantra the hardest, they are fueled by hate and skipping over on accountability.

I think I can agree to some of what you say, I distinguish it as being the difference between right libertarian vs left libertarian. While they both agree on cutting government regulations, cutting government soending, cutting government power, I would argue that a right libertarian has more in common with a conservative, although also some very large differences, than a right libertarian has in common with a left libertarian.

There is a difference, sometimes a large difference, between liberal and leftist, but yes they are both to the left of conservative. It’s too bad that the Conservative party does not allow for libertarian voices. I suspect that the powers in charge of the Conservative party are strictly right wing and only tolerate conservative individuals so that the party can keep its prestige but block libertarianism because that could bring too much transparency.

As strong as Pollievre seems, he is still very much beatable but only from the right. All attacks and criticisms of Pollievre have been 100% exclusively from the left, those will never stick. But if someone goes at him hard from the right, he does have some wide gaps.

Any and all news media companies thay can’t surivive without taking government funded handouts is better off going under, shutting down, and out of business.

No, each person has a responsibility to learn for themself. Until a person is willing to have their viewers and statements criticized, they will always have a low functionality. If a person can’t handle listening to an explanation of how their beliefs are false, nothing that is said will stick with that person.

Every and all political endorsements. Each person can decide for themself who they are foing to vote for. The views and opinions of others don’t gold as much sway as they wish it would.

Vote your conscience, check off whichever name you decide to pick.

Is he one of the people that did physical damage to the building or is he one of the people that stayed away from the building and never touched the property but got arrested anyways?

You need to develop self restraint and recognize that your world view must hold up to scrutiny otherwise your belief is a lie if you don’t allow rebuke and correction.

What original sources for literature have you read and historial documents to people in their own original words?

100% of every argument you said furthers the evidence that the term “far right” is strictly a leftist perjorative from highly emotional people and does not exist

I have searched for the philosophy behind such a label but terms like “far right” seem only exist as a pejorative by conformists for superficial reasons.

When you study the difference views of big government totalitarinisms like progessivism, identitarian philosophies like nationism, the differencce between Marxism and socialism, are Lenists-Stalinists necassarily communitists, how national socialism always leads to genocide and mass murder.

On the other side of small restricted government, the differences betwedn lft libertarianism vs right libertarianism, the differences between libertarian and conservative, there seems to be no such thing as “far right” except for being strictly leftist identarian tactic because everybody on the political right views government as the problem in society, and everybody on the political left wants to expand government authority. So do the groups listed as beinf far-right want to expand government regulations or do they want to cut and fight the government?

If you cry harder you might get your way.

What is the definition of being far right? There’s various views on the political left, and various types on the political left. Who is far right and who on the political right are not far right?