Owner / operator of moose.best
This happens far too often. Usually on a smaller scale that doesn’t get much media attention but oil and gas companies here seem to almost plan to eventually go bankrupt, abadon the wells and pipelines, and now it’s somebody elses problem to fix while they run off with a slap on the wrist compared to what they earned. There are over 80,000 abandoned wells and another 80,000 inactive (so likely to be abandoned eventually) in Alberta alone. The good news is they make oil & gas companies pay for the cleanup funding yearly but it’s not enough if you ask me.
Forrest fire aid is a great example of global cooperation. Australia is in their winter currently and has sent a bunch of firefighters to Canada to help out, and when its winter in Canada and our fires have slowed down, we’ll do the same to help them. Also I don’t think that aircraft was run / operated by Canadians, just made by, Canadair is a maunufacturer.
Just like ma used to make! Before the lead got to her…