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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


It only knows about things people talk about online. I bet it knows how trump likes his bed made, but doesn’t even know what you can do in a library


You need to put a little work in setting up a few different programs to all work together, the first time might take you awhile depending on how familiar you are with it (my first time it took me a few days to get everything set up how I like it).

But it’s worth it for the convenience you’ll enjoy

With a Usenet account, I was able to make things relatively autonomous.

I told it what I wanted and it found it immediately, downloaded it, renamed it, even replaced it with higher quality whenever it became available.

It would find new episodes of shows I asked it to look for as they aired, new movies I was interested in as soon as they became available, Scott’s, genres, it was crazy.

If I was at work and someone recommended me a movie, I could add it to an IMDb watch list and my PC at home would have it downloaded automatically before I even got home.

It was way too efficient for me, I don’t watch much ‘content’ in real life, but it was so easy and efficient I ended up with dozens of TB’s of stuff that I never had the time to watch to begin with.

I was a collector of ‘content’ and not a consumer of it. So I stopped torrenting and using Usenet.

But Usenet is really pretty awesome with the right setup. I felt like I didn’t need to do shit once I set everything up.

Ya and my mom bought her house for $45k in 1980

I’m looking at 4 bedrooms right now for about $1.2m

Damn, these rankings really are scary.

Like I said, if I live in the second best country to live in … the world really sucks

I am construction industry adjacent and business has been really bad

My frame of reference is how my quality of life is less than it was in like 2016. When I’m sure Canada ranked lower than #2

Groceries are fucked, gasoline is fucked, interest rates are fucked, can’t buy a house, can’t buy a car (or probably shouldn’t right now), dollar is fucked, schools probably going on strike again, a Canadian team hasn’t won the Stanley cup in 30 years ……

If this is the second “as good as it gets” place in the world … omg