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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


I trust sonarr and radarr to disable telemetry via the options, so I don’t think you have any benefits from putting them behind VPN. All download clients ofc make sense

Search all files for “http” and check how the URL is utilized, maybe you can comment out those Funktion calls

Youre right,different separators, numbers and even capital letters change my theory alot

Is it really safer? I mean when trying to bruteforce a password, one would have to make a guess whether it’s a passphrase or not. But if you decided to check for pass phrases, wouldn’t the one you posted be cracked in 5 times the amount of words in that dictionary? I’m not sure how large the vocabularies of the generators are, but I would guess a random 17 char password might be safer than a 5 phrases password?

After initially setting up your kindle, just keep it in airplane mode. Upload new books with calibre