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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Here in Finland the Left Alliance increased votes by 10% while True Finns(hard right party) decreased support massively across the whole country. Only one true finn got voted in.

So at least we got that going for us…

All those are fair points. There’s not much freedom of choice because common people are struggling to live as it is, to splurge on something with a bad camera and battery life makes no sense (I believe those are some main points people upgrade their phones).

I’m running a 4 year old phone and probably will be going on 5th year because of economical strain.

In your analogy, it also doesn’t help that there’s only one ethical restaurant among hundreds of unethical ones. It’s expensive because nobody goes there and nobody goes there because it’s expensive.

Millions of people could afford this phone, they just don’t care about ethics.

Instead the Samsung S’s, Folds and iPhones sell by the tens of millions because they are trendy and give more “bang for the buck”.

Maybe your phone runs out of ram?

Or is it the 4 hour idle setting?: