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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2023


I was an “essential worker” during covid. How much do you think I made?

Which economic system promotes companies to take an infinite growth approach to business?

Infinite growth on a finite planet. If only someone had been warning us from the beginning…

I don’t have high hopes for the future. We are going to emit a fuck ton of CO2 to extract all the rare earth minerals, in order to replace the insane fleet of passenger vehicles in the world, and in doing so, lock in our fate.

Other than a socialist wave that destroys our culture of consumerism and capitalism, I don’t see us pulling out of the nose dive.

Actually, it very much is an either or situation. Either we drastically reduce our consumption, and start using public transportation, or we pollute ourselves to death trying to give every human a car.

That’s why our society is fucked and we deserve to crumble. Instead of real solutions, they just focused to something else they can sell us…

It’s going to get worse before it gets better. The co2 emissions from forest fires aren’t counted towards Canada’s carbon footprint either, despite producing more greenhouse gases than Mexico’s economy. I think we’re doing too little too late, and we’re just seeing the dominos start to fall.

But yeah how dare they cancel new years >:(

If only we had a way to communicate the greater need for action, instead of placating the masses with bullshit consumerism! Nah you right, I’m just a wet blanket. Happy new year! It will be one of the coldest of the rest of our lives!

You’re right about one thing. Nobody cared about the forest fires this year. Off the charts

What? Climate collapse is the only thing that should be on everyone’s minds. We’re literally living through “don’t look up” lol.

You would think we would have bigger things to worry about than a concert, what with the climate breaking down, the economy being fucked, and housing and food being most of a paycheck.

All of the countries are a joke my guy, unless you’re part of the billionaire club you’re just exploitable.

Oh perfect, it’s a good thing they didn’t almost triple in price over the last 10 years.