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Joined 13d ago
Cake day: Sep 05, 2024


In a Trump-lead administration and Ajit Pai heading FCC, this totally would’ve been passed by now. I don’t like how this is on the table at all and how the decision could go either way. But I’ll take that trade off than it for it to be guaranteed.

But, one bill (PERA) is from a Republican. The other bill (PREVAIL) is from a Democrat. So, this is a bipartisan effort to fuck over everyone here.

These days, all that dude now needs is a phone and probably a tablet. Maybe a laptop slung over his shoulder.

In a perfect world, every dollar we spend goes right to the creators who made the creation.

I would support musicians more if I knew my money was going straight to them. But a lot of the time, they aren’t, so I pirate out of spite against the labels for robbing the musicians through contract, how much they get.

I would support movies more if I knew my money was going straight to them. But a lot of the time, they aren’t, so I buy movies second-hand from thrift stores and not the studios themselves.

I would support games much more if I knew my money was going straight to them. But a lot of the time, they mostly aren’t. So I buy games dirt cheap and occasionally pirate.

And the video games industry can give a single fuck less about preserving them. Only bringing them back for a limited time under reselling compilations or as we’ve seen, those small consoles a few years back where only a hand picked library of games were pre-installed on them. They’re only brought out to simply make a quick buck, nothing more.

Out of those four, Cox is the one seemingly being the one who’s combative. The other three will fold easily and are complicit with any demand the studios have done.

So it is very hard to imagine, really.

It works on stupid people not in the know.

But it doesn’t when you remind people about what Hollywood has done to it’s workers when AI was introduced. Then remind them of the Writer’s Strike. Then route them back to what the anti-piracy outfits want. Then have a good laugh because it is a good joke.

Oh…this is not good.

This is just going to be the floodgate effect for when copyright of any kind is going to be challenged against Internet Archive and we’ll see more losses.

I’m sad to say but I don’t think Internet Archive is going to have much longer.