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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2021


Socialists are extremely good at economics, because they throw out all the capitalist indoctrination garbage that economics is plagued with. Opinions about Carl M and Freddy E aside, their knowledge and communication of economics is second to none; that book is still making solid predictions to this day and all of that despite the myriad of large mistakes and flaws its writers ended up having to correct early on.

Capitalists on the other hand are some of the stupidest motherfuckers out there. All marketing crap, models that don’t make any sense at all (but it makes sense to them and you’re the idiot for not understanding) and they always run their companies into the ground whenever someone is stupid enough to put them in charge. I specially remembered one business course I took way back when being so completely and utterly full of shit that I wasn’t surprised when I later heard that he got himself banned from teaching after they found out he was a scam artist who was consistently grifting their way into trying to get people to buy into their marketing crap. I’ll just take their word on it; I wouldn’t know because I left that waste of oxygen’s class half-way and from what I heard the rest didn’t last much longer. I presume the only reason it took them so long to find out what he was doing is because nobody actually made it to the end to receive the scam payload.

The NDP are the closest thing to a left party we have (outside voting for the communist party (fun fact; we have a communist party)) and they’ve been clearcutting forests, creating an astronomical fuck ton of homeless people and gentrifying the fuck out of the place.

If your response to someone getting their basic needs met is “they shouldn’t get their basic needs met” instead of “why do I have to work so much to meet my needs” than you are a fascist and your utter lack of basic human decency is your answer as to why things are that way.

The only time boycotts work is when they’re paired up with divestment and sanctions.

Actually they’re far more likely to commit crimes than they are to stop them. There’s so many examples of them saying “we knew we just chose not to act” on horrific acts of violence, and well-document cases of them taking normal average day people (particularly muslims) and grooming them into doing acts of terrorism so they can justify the existence of their deeply fascist institution.

It’s literally impossible to be in any branch of the military without getting abused by multiple people above you. Just a reminder that NATO was started by a literal Nazi and every single war it’s ever participated in has been rife with severe war crimes and sexual abuse; and that’s just with what little we know about. With all the cover-ups going on it’s likely the problem is much much MUCH worse.

Canada cares more about landlords than it does about its own people, and it shows.

It’s all good as long as you’re always on the better side of the coin flip.

That’s a bit of a mischaracterization. They do in fact have to put annoying attack ads on every other party once per election season.

The tin man has cancer because of the aluminum paint they lied about being safe.

You can get thrown in jail for contempt of court for wearing traditional indigenous clothing to a trial. The genocide is still ongoing.

“Documentation is on discord.”

“Why can’t I join”

“We banned you after seeing what you post on social media.”

Get these crooks under control; history repeats and we are long overdue a revolution.

Worse. “Hey I have your problem … … nevermind I figured it out”

True story. x3

Step 1) Activate 2-Factor authentication

Step 2) Authentication system fucks up

Step 3) Locked out of your own account

True story. x2

Of course it’s a 9gag reupload. Couldn’t even be bothered to get the original. His website is right there

Except yes I totally can make it about them because having a support network that produces negative results is why this sort of thing happens.

Remember when people on the left were saying that the only climate action is ending capitalism and degrowing and all anyone had to say was “But green growth!” Well that thing we said was going to happen is happening: That they were lying about the “green” and only wanted the “growth” except now it’s even worse because that growth isn’t going to making people’s lives better, it’s going to wars and genocides.

You would think that when the person you’re taking care of would rather kill themselves than spend another day with you, you’d notice that you’re doing something very, VERY wrong.

Nah I had my eyes on that guy before, that’s not what they were insinuating.

Ugh I should have blocked you on that last comment of yours that made me raise an eyebrow. God fucking damn it useless troll.

For those at the back, i’m talking about people who are literal supporters of actual Hitler ideology.

You should be working somewhere where you’re proud to be slacking off on the job.

I have no future. Nobody does. Everyone knows it. Liberalism has fucking murdered any chances of future prospects for any of us.

Sometimes i’ll find the energy to go out and try and meet people. I get nowhere because everyone is either depressed or an outright fascist. You can’t even go out to meet people any more because of perpetual plagues, and the online space is full of grifting apps designed to fuck you.

Even if I did find someone, then what? Nobody wants to have kids, and get a home? Nope, that’s only for rich investors who have no intention on living in them, or corporate landlords who want to fuck you up the ass and turn you into a Maoist. Jobs? “Nobody wants to work” more like nobody wants to hire. “Now Hiring” signs everywhere but impossible requirements or unlivable wages. They’d rather just farm the government for ‘we can’t find employees:(((’ handouts. Don’t say it isn’t happening, that’s literally what my last job did, and it’s not just them; everyone does it. You have to do it to be competitive in this garbage economy.

I’m watching my local town gentrify in real time. Rents are going up, food is going up, forests are being cut down to build more fucking suburbs. What was once a community of diverse peoples is slowly turning into oops all white liberals because they’re the only ones who can afford to live here anymore. And you want to know the best part? Nothing is being done about it. The more we cry we need help the more the government responds with more fucking liberalism. People worried about the environment? Redistrict to “lower” emissions. People want more homes? Did I hear rental properties? More rental properties that nobody can afford!! Affordable housing? Sure, have some slums. Indigenous reparations? How about business courses instead! Poor/mentally sick? Now you can legally kill yourself… if you don’t do it yourself because mental health hotlines literally run for profit and sell your data to evil corporations. Like holy shit I can’t even begin to get into just how fucked things are.

Sure we’re not the states which is literally death-sliding into fascism, but being marginally better than pure evil is still really fucking shitty.

EDIT: Also we can’t even retreat to the internet to escape any more, because everything is either shutting down or turning into nazi bars. Corporations have so much control over the public consciousness and they use it to suppress socialist voices and protect actual pedophiles. Social media feels so fucking fake between all the artificial users, ads, astroturf, narcissist-posting and widespread censorship it exposes us to.

EDIT2: And i’ll add another one: you can’t even be fucking real with people anymore because the instant you show any level of weakness or honesty there’s always one scum of the earth (yes this shit is even worse in real life) who will jump to punish you for opening up.

Managers like meetings because it gives them a sense of power and superiority. Employees like meetings because they don’t have to work.

More like ladder-kicking. Every ladder-kicker is going to hell, 100%

EDIT: To make it even more poetic, they get to climb a ladder to heaven before god kicks it down and they fall down to hell.

Exponential growth is fine, in mobile games where there’s no stakes outside how many ads you’re willing to watch.

Programming is self-harm that has positive outcomes.

The addition of comments makes this radioactive to the one kind of person who wouldn’t mind reading ugly code.

Also the list of attendants to the latest trump rally with online registration. Along with names like Ray Schist and Notta Baught.

I was just expecting something far more sinister out of medical espionage.

Oh no, they’re stealing private intellectual data in their selfish pursuit of… er, stopping pandemics…?

Actually getting there is the other part. It’s not like java where you can go down the chain if the problem isn’t where it says it is.

Implying you can’t consistently go to the same line every time and it always has what you need.

C#: Time for a treasure hunt! Find the Null Reference Exception. Here’s a map. X marks the spot.

There are one types of programmers
Those who remember to include the terminator and those who don't‹Ñ%¼ñ´ K±}¼i6ÊÿŽñͧÎ3='SØ@íÂkñIødKº^îµ$xïÀY>â9Â3›cã‹òØoÎcs<V™GW<V+­Ñµöx,”Ç9ôd ±i^d­lˆ7Ç*c ÿêq®•ÇŽXõ"ë¬ææÁøƒØ1ȾÁ•³â±Y±ºÁX­%щÕÆfY°ØLŠ¬¦-ß‹>~.ç¿„ìÅ@¯~= , Æj,iÅñqŠ-”1 æ‘åçÆz˜7ÝŽÚø^ å±çnÔÄãûñV6%êåbŸa”½‚åå!/»<ŸW½U$Òj"ô4ò}4_€uDþ "ÝŠµD¶ØvםDm€¸íFW0×`3ޏ³qºp%îÇ9؏^î¿ç²¦oãv´Ã‹Ñ%¤$ñ-Äè ¼Þz1:(o±^dzô®ôZ¼ªz”=ˆ·ñ]íµÞÎV×â=?ÐÇ»<É-[±UçµÞÁÖLZ~ÞÉVu]Œw±5‹ëñ”Ð~#W’iU³X«ipWŒÑ3â‘f'ßçyæ«ž5ókp%®ò̯ÁÕT]æ©~o z Ëù¡øâé£xßDµ)ú™öÔ6úbµ¡@­TvmIe7LTÖOe‡Qv#Cã+».PÖ8­œþ`ïDƒô)SäµRШe붂׷º·RZΟ-u/Ïã£ò½"»ä;‘ÇÇÇŠzFXäcŽ¬» 1ØE.Ì.,8ŸÀ'=xprõNšIŽˆ£ã‹—´4TìÃ}T¿úf´·D(ŸÙ‡¢Œâsûñ•Þ–èW+صµ¼OíÇ7»Ç};?(CïÝxº%ú£q]-à™­ûð³è³£x.ú_•Lµýx^êbï(þXJöOÙÍRÞzÍ ›ðš²/dwÈSB~\Æ¿Œ®—ñ¤‡ûR/†™O»‰û‹òëBæ¦—‘À—ãqæõó¸RÌÁÕcÕU}(&lý —$`ëø§Œ[ÿÂË’,lý;¨®¯àÕ€WÄØ°x&7Ùb€ÙQ6±£bbGÕ¸Ž½B¹¿À£F¯Z\˼¿Žëzœˆ¸SÜXÄ¥ .mðl$—D­˜X¶Þã“اPeèÞŠ{ Еƒ'¹Ê4/ n!áo¥o·yÚ• ù}íBnüÎ“aê\9*fNL/Þgy™Ó.èˆIITþPK]”’#