she/they, non-binary transfeminine individual based in Berlin

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


the is_even package does not provide much worth indeed because it simply negates is_odd and thereby all its benefit.

It’s dependency is_odd on the other hand provides at least some additional checks (it also checks if the value is a valid integer below the max int value)

And while I would indeed see uses for such methods (especially with the other checks, no simple oneliners) in some cases, especially in testing: This is stuff you write yourself, throw it in a e.g. NumberUtils class and everything is fine. You do never depend on an external library for that. The benefit (not spending a few seconds to write it) does not outweigh any of the drawbacks that come with external libraries.

How you could somewhat rebase manually (to understand the effect; or because you like to handle the merge conflicts more granular or be more selective):

We assume we have the branch “Feat” which was started on an old version of “Main”, and now want to rebase it:

  • Rename “Feat” to “Old” (does not happen during rebase, but we kinda need it for this demonstration)
  • Create “Feat” at the newest (or wherever you want) commit of “Main”
  • Cherrypick all commits from “Old” into “Feat”

Et viola - you kinda manually rebased “Feat” on “Main”

There are four types of people:

  • “S.Q.L.”
  • Sequel
  • Squirrel (seriously, I met 3 unrelated people saying squirrel. Why?!)
  • Who cares? You should use [another tool] anyway

Honestly I remebered it as “git out” as well, but that would be semantically incorrect and “get out” seems close enough.

Why is the wrong version always the one that is posted.

The (in my eyes) correct (and iirc original) version is:

  • Git commit
  • Git push
  • Get out*

*as someone pointed out (and I remember it as well, but thought I rembered it wrong and corrected it, shame on me in this context) the last point may be originally “git out”

Some people just want to see the world burning

So that’s why they’re never turning around to an explosion (and facing their back to the camera)