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Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I don’t know much about Canadian politics, but…

The data shows the Liberals in a distant third place for 18-29 year olds with 15.97 per cent, compared to the Conservatives and the NDP with 39.21 per cent and 30.92 per cent respectively.

It’s a dip for the Liberals, who were at 26.8 per cent at the beginning of August for the same age group. And it’s a boost for the Conservatives, who are up from 29.3 per cent at the beginning of the month.

That large of a swing over the course of a month seems like a red flag for the data. Did something happen that would explain the shift?

Why would this be treated any differently than googling things? I just googled the same prompt about hiding food that’s mentioned in the article and it gave me pretty much the same advice. One of the top links was an ED support forum where they were advising each other on how to hide their eating disorder.

These articles are just outrage bait at this point. There are some legitimate concerns about AI, but bashing your hand with a hammer and blaming the hammer shouldn’t be one of them.

I don’t think so, his “X” idea has been around for a long time, he really thinks it’s his next big idea. I’m sure people have raised all of these concerns with him, but I doubt he’s listening. Tesla, SpaceX, etc. are ideas that he bought, this one is his baby. I don’t think he’s open to ideas or criticisms on it.

He bought the company to bootstrap his idea of his “X” app which he envisions becoming something like WeChat for the world outside of China.

I think it’s a terrible idea that’s a solution in search of s problem. WeChat works in China because the government literally enforces it’s usage. The rest of the world isn’t interested in a one-stop-shop for anything and everything.

It’s the problem of trying to be everything for everyone. You end up with mediocre or bad solutions for many problems instead of great solutions for a couple of problems. It works when there’s no competition, see WeChat, but when there is competition that competition is going to beat you at their game because you’re too busy playing a dozen others.

I’ve had Pixels since the first one, this is news to me.

Edit: Just went looking for it, not installed. It’s in the play store but not sure how it could be unavoidable when it’s not pre-installed.

The major question doctrine acts as a “get-out-of-text-free card” that conservative justices make “magically appear” whenever they see an executive branch policy that goes against their ideological “goals,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote in a dissent in the 2022 case of West Virginia v. EPA.

Apparently legislating from the bench is fine for Conservatives as long as you make up your own judicial doctrine as justification.

I don’t know how we fix the problems we face. The court is seated by politicians, Congress is seated by grifters and ideologues, and the people are too defeated/controlled to make meaningful changes.

Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch would have dismissed the case because of the intervening North Carolina court action.

Was this the crux of their dissent, or did they disagree with the actual ruling in regards to the independent legislature theory? Having 3 justices endorse that theory would be alarming.

Happy this is settled for at least this iteration of the court. The idea that state legislatures can ignore their own state Constitution, that they themselves wrote, is absurd and paradoxical. Being bound by the state constitution isn’t giving or sharing power with the state courts, it’s a limitation placed on themselves by the state legislature.

I’m not sure what could be done. It’s an executive order, not a bill, and it’s scope is fairly limited. It doesn’t create any new powers, just uses what’s outlined in the HEROES Act to reduce the burden of student loans. Since it’s an executive order the next President could revoke it, but the cancelled amounts can’t be brought back so that would just wipe away the changes to how interest is handled.

This is just bizarre…what’s the goal here? Putin already declared their acts as treason, how can he let this go unpunished? Is the Russian state really so weak that they have to forgive literal treason just to maintain power? What did Prigozhin gain from this? What about Kadyrov’s movement towards Rostov, does he stand down as well? Was this all a weird performance?


It’s pretty incredible how out of step Alito and Thomas seem to be even with the other conservative justices. Anytime there’s a 7-2 or 8-1 ruling you can almost guarantee they’ll be writing the dissent.

North Carolina got it’s very own George Santos, and it’s been vastly more impactful. There needs to be a fraud investigation carried out by someone here. You don’t have this level of dishonesty without crossing the line into illegality somewhere.