Hey, I think this may actually be fake. Did you notice the URL is nytco.com rather than the one all their news articles typically come from, nytimes.com?
There is a new trend of bad actors trying to impersonate big publications by changing the URL slightly and copying the website design. Some of them are very convincing. This one was hard to figure out because the NYT is indeed owned by NYT Company, but all news articles are posted through nytimes.com (with the exception of only this particular article). When you search for New York Times Company, nytco.com doesn’t even come up.
Well then, I guess you should send the video to the DNC, since some YouTuber apparently knows more than the entire political apparatus that does this for a living and somehow doesn’t know how anything about how elections work. Do you really think they would be stupid enough to change everything without first making sure their plan was even possible?
If the primary system is already “loosely democratic” then we’re not really throwing anything away by choosing a different nominee. This already happened with Bernie. Should we reform the DNC to make it more democratic? Certainly, but that’s a different problem and isn’t going to happen in the next two weeks.
Is it only unacceptable to you if the party pushes him out? How would Biden stepping down due to health reasons (or any personal reason, really) undermine the rule of law?
So if I walked into a restaurant that specialized in a certain cuisine (choosing the right one out of hundreds is a skill, right?) and wrote down a list of ingredients, and the restaurant made me a meal with those ingredients according to however the restaurant functions (nobody can see into the kitchen, after all), does this make me a chef?
Wait so according to that quote, if increased police presence in public spaces creates increased violence, the answer is… more police in public spaces? And therefore more violence… This feels insane.