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Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Peanuts are the hand grenade of allergies - you don’t have to consume them to react if you are allergic

Everything else is relatively safe if you can keep from eating, or otherwise come into contact with it

source: father of a child who has many food allergies

Muslim groups have backed the NDP at the local level before

There’s not much point in backing them nation-wide since they just don’t have enough broad support to form a government

On most issues, Muslims would naturally back conservative agendas, but immigration and other minority issues draw them left at the polls

Canada Drives moved to a finance only model too. To even look up cars on their site, you need to submit a finance pre-approval

I think that’s an awkward (and sovcit) way of saying that even though she is a lawyer, she isn’t acting as a lawyer in this instance

Imagine having to deal with this crap. How does the “lawsuit” make it far enough for the defendant to be served? Or is that something that happens without any actual review by the courts?

“As such harm is a very grievous trespass, i, shall claim remedy in the amount of $500,000 for such trespass plus $5,000 a day for as long as the trespass continues,”

Could/should the journalist just uno reverso Ababi and claim trespass damages of $1M + $10K a day?

“The agreement would see Canadian news continue to be shared on Google’s platforms in return for the company making annual payments to news companies in the range of $100 million, a source with knowledge of the negotiations told CBC News.”

Good thing Layton isn’t around to bring this all down and hand the government to the cons like he did in 2005

Governments building residential units is our only viable path to affordable housing. Builders can’t be incentivized enough to make it worth their while vs premium builds

Affordable groceries my also require a government-run chain to bring food prices into a reasonable range again

The report by pension analyst LifeWorks calculates the province deserves more than half of the $575 billion in the CPP fund, and says with that money an Alberta pension plan could deliver lower contribution costs and higher payouts.

I’d like to see how LifeWorks came to that conclusion

Having a trial moved out of an area in which you alienated a lot of people, or who are generally against the behaviour you are accused of us not uncommon

I’m glad they were denied in both cases since they have pockets of support that could derail justice

I don’t know. I just know that he recently became a Canadian citizen and had to apply for a visa to travel back to India

I don’t know if the term expats stops applying when someone becomes a citizen of their new country - but India requires those who acquire Canadian citizenship to obtain visas to return

A friend of mine had to do this a few weeks ago

That alone was a great punishment for a decent and good middle-class young man with no prior offences

Sounds like someone’s privilege isn’t being adequately upheld

Hopefully Alberta will make the same decision.

Chillingly disgusting behaviour.

Visiting NYC recently I passed by those massive cemeteries in the way from JFK to Manhattan.

I started reflecting on cemeteries and our practice of burying our dead on land we could be using to house or feed people

I’m all for remembering people by creating something useful like a tree or a bench, or maybe a donation marked by a plaque instead of several thousands of dollars for a plot and granite marker.

The Canadian War Museum in Ottawa is impressive and would likely interest both you and your son

Keene also dismissed defence concerns that allowing the thumbs up emoji to signify acceptance “would open up the flood gates” to new interpretations of other emojis, including the ‘fist bump’ and ‘hand shake’. In finding that the thumbs-up can be used to enter into contracts,

This Emoji Movie sequel got a lot more serious than I thought it would