ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 21, 2023


Go into the notes of almost any of their releases and you’ll find borderline schizophrenic screeds full of hate and bigotry. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, thinking the Harry Potter series is good, all kinds of shit. Also, at least once she said she was going to jail because she was caught cracking something but kept putting out releases without any disruption. Here’s one from the time she was accused of being a trans woman (cw: all of the above)

The alternative is sitting down, having a talk, drinking some tea and talking about our differences.

You really don’t understand that the things you say have meanings, do you?

The alternative is sitting down, having a talk, drinking some tea and talking about our differences.

You literally talk in your other reply about how you’ll join them. You can’t just sit down and talk about how they want to kill the jews and you don’t - your willingness to hear them out inherently legitimises their ideas as being reasonable and able to be reasoned about.

I know you don’t fully understand how the way that you say something can be as informative as what you actually say, but I don’t need to assume - you did actually tell me in your comment that you don’t really mind nazis as long as they’re not being violent towards you.

Ok, but it’s what telegram has. So would you rather keep your “free” speech and put others in danger, or lose it to keep others safe?

Just Google the paradox of tolerance. It’s really not as complicated as you’re making it out to be.

Also, punching Nazis is always morally correct. If you wouldn’t attack a nazi because they’re not currently threatening you specifically then you won’t develop any additional moral prerogative in time of civil war - you’ll join them, because they’re still not threatening you specifically, while fair and equal redistribution of resources will effect you. You don’t have any sort of morality or ideology underlying your objection, you just think extreme things are bad because you’re not given a choice.