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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Universities make money hand over fist, not sure they need any more public funding. They tend to have more administrators than professors and teachers and it just seems super wasteful.

Technically most of the fires in Canada happen up in the north where it’s dense spruce and pine conifer stands which don’t turn into your typical “old growth” type forest that you picture from the movies. Stands that are hundreds of years old will burn almost just as easily as a decades old stand. Forest fires are a natural part of their life cycle.

The typical “old growth” forests that are fairly fire resistant are found in the coastal rainforests which don’t typically see much fires as it’s pretty rare in the damp and humid environment.

Why allow rental rate hikes instead of allowing the tenants to purchase the building dirt cheap?

They would if they paid more.

If you aren’t finding employees, offer more money, don’t look abroad for people.

If you need to increase your prices to afford it, then increase your prices

If your restaurant doesn’t survive because people think it’s too expensive, that’s the free market.

Of course if the right situation were to arise, if it’s either conscription or Russia somehow takes over Canada who would choose the latter?

Because Trump is a narcissist and needs to pick someone who doesn’t overshadow himself in any way and will be subservient to his every whim.

There’s not many options after those criteria.

Corvids like Crows, ravens, and magpies/jays are very susceptible to West Nile virus and are often indicators that the virus may be spreading in an area. If you find a dead Corvid you should report it so that the corpse can be tested to see if it died due to the virus.

There’s not much you can do personally other than avoiding mosquito-prone areas and wearing proper clothing.

Municipalities and other governing bodies can implement mosquito control programs though if residents feel they would benefit from reducing the mosquito populations. WNv isn’t a huge threat in Canada yet, it’s much more prevalent in the United states, so most mosquito programs up here are to control them for nuisance for more enjoyable summers, tourism and business, outdoor labourers and farmworkers, etc.

I work in mosquito control and it’s a pretty safe product that’s used, no aerial spraying of chemicals in our area it’s just targeting the larval stage of mosquitos by applying a bacteria which kills pretty much only mosquitos or black flies. Leaves everything else untouched.

Places like roadside catch basins can produce a lot of the mosquitos that transmit WNv, just sampled a townhome complex the other week and found that pretty much every one of their 30 catch basins were producing over 1000 mosquitos, likely on a weekly basis for months.

If you feel a mosquito control program is needed residents need to contact their municipal or regional representatives to get the process started. You may already have one going as well, where you may be able to get any stagnant water on your property treated for free (depending on the program). A lot of people don’t even know their city has a mosquito control program, even ones which have been going for 20+ years.

I don’t have anything for scale but something about this man makes me want to say 5’8" and overcompensating.

Taking the high road makes you feel better about yourself. It doesn’t win a fight with someone playing dirty.

Not sure why they are being shipped live in cargo in what looks to be an incredibly small box made of… Cardboard? Styrofoam?

Looks way too small for that many eels. Should have a better and larger container at least.

But I’m already boycotting Telus because they’re a terrible service and company

I guess I’m not his target audience, I haven’t seen a single one. I don’t watch cable tv, read the newspaper, or use Facebook though like old conservative people.

It doesn’t cost anything to have less people. It costs lots to build houses and infrastructure to support those people.

It’s important to have proof, but it was pretty silly to ask in this situation where it’s pretty much impossible to prove.

It’s an outdated expectation but shouldn’t be an outdated goal.

No one should need to work after 65 years of age if they don’t want to.

There’s hardly any chance of that happening nowadays though.

It’s unfortunate that we can’t limit water by litres, so for a family of 4 put a limit of say 100L or something. People do still need to drink and cook unfortunately.

I don’t recall any of these errors happening when you just had to actually roll of the rim of your cup.

But they decided to go digital so they can steal customer data and force people to create unnecessary accounts and download their app.

Schools only have a set amount of space and hospitals a set amount of beds.

Bulldoze a neighbourhood of 500 detached units housing 1500 people, 500 of which are children, to build towers which can house 6000, 2000 of which are children, you will then need to bulldoze the school which was there to be able to build another school 4x as large or find vacant land to build extra schools.

More people = more infrastructure not just houses.

There’s not plenty of land with infrastructure to support people. That many houses also needs more schools, hospitals, roads, gas stations, grocery stores, etc

It’s not just houses we need to build.

Makes sense, you want homes empty and prepared for people to move into rather than full and waiting for the house to be built before you can sell it to someone needing one.

Better than not preparing for war. I can’t see how Trudeau would be responsible for Russian aggression and Israel antagonizing every Islamic country around them and just goading them to strike back, or China’s ambition to retake Taiwan…

We don’t need war but it would stupid to just stick our heads in the sand. It’s not like we can send out diplomats and pray for world peace.

It’s better to have expensive salmon now because we can only harvest so many, than to have expensive salmon in 10 years because there are hardly any left.

Even if it weren’t their idea I don’t think it would apply to them. If they fish in their recognized territory I don’t believe they have to follow federal fishing limits.

Personally I feel that forcing someone to live out the rest of their life in a steel and concrete cube with no chance of ever being released is more cruel than executing them but I can see how not everyone would agree with that.

I believe in rehabilitation, but I also believe there are some cases where rehabilitation is a lost cause.

Canada at least.

I can get a mortgage for an apartment for $1400 a month. Rent in the same spot would be at least $1800 if not $2000.

People buy housing to rent out because it’s profitable right away, they aren’t just “taking the risk” that the house might not go up in value.

The difficult part is it’s tough to actually measure pollution emitted by an entity accurately and fine accordingly.

You can guess how much CO2 output there is from a refinery, sure, and fine them for it, but they will just raise the prices of end products to compensate for it.

In the end gas goes up the same amount but the less affluent people dependant on it won’t get rebates. They’re money just goes to the corporations anyways in order to pay for the fines.

In BC there are still crazy people who stand on the overpass on highway 1 with various signs like Trudeau is a liar, or vaccines are fake, etc. changes every week what the theme is.

Can’t imagine how they have nothing better to do with their time.

I’ve never had an issue with Scotiabank, but my parents switched to envision a few years ago and have had nothing but trouble. Now they’re in the process of moving everything back to Scotiabank.

I get the same rates, but more features and easier access.

It takes my mom 3-4 weeks to get an appointment with an advisor at envision whereas I can get one in two days at Scotiabank.

Do they not give out laptops with an Ethernet port? Or is the extra 2lbs too much?

I have a junk Visa Gift Card that I use for many online subscriptions and purchases. You load it up with the money you expect to spend and if anyone gives you trouble with not cancelling an account you just stop loading money and get a new card. They can’t do fuck all.