Australian Cyber Security professional

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Hm yeah weird. I tried chrome just to test and the scrolling is definitely slightly different but I don’t think it’s smoother. Just kinda tweaked differently I guess. Haven’t tried bromite tho.

Feels exactly the same to me (if not slightly faster due to adblocking). You might just be mistaking familiarity with Chrome for it being tangibly better.

The couple of times I’ve checked Reddit since leaving, the top posts have seemed lower effort. A lot more reposts than I remember there being. And the comments are meaner than before.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the ReVanced patches swapped out the API keys for Reddit’s own, so Reddit’s servers just think it’s their own app. For now that approach may be viable, but Reddit will undoubtedly be working on checks to prevent this.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the ReVanced patches swapped out the API keys for Reddit’s own, so Reddit’s servers just think it’s their own app. For now that approach may be viable, but Reddit will undoubtedly be working on checks to prevent this.

When I first joined Reddit I remember thinking the conversations on there were more insightful than on other sites. Recently it’s been the exact same poor quality of content. Since the exodus (in the couple of threads I’ve lurked) I’ve noticed it’s got FAR worse in such a short period of time.

Yesterday I checked in on Reddit and read some comments under a video of an older man getting called out for taking creep shots of a girl in public. A good ~50% of the comments were saying he’s allowed to take photos in public ??? It was honestly disgusting.