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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


All the smart cable companies make most of their revenue from cable internet now; what remains of cable TV is propped up by a minority of older people who refuse to get with the times or relatively well-off folks who just don’t care.

I’m not mixing average with lowest rate, the average dipped that low in 2021, meaning lots of people were getting even lower rates than that. And yes, of course people with middle class incomes buy points. That doesn’t counter my point.

Buying points involves paying more money up front to reduce interest rates. Given that someone struggling financially wouldn’t be able to do that I don’t think it’s fair to include them in conversations about the affordability of homes. It’s also not a great idea to buy points if you’re uncertain about whether you’re going to continue living there. It can take years for the savings on interest to recoup the up front cost of points, so you could easily lose money if something happens and you end up having to move or sell the home.

The “boots” theory of economic unfairness is pretty relevant here.

Edit: also the numbers the above commenter used are not far off, in the US average interest rates in 2021 went as low as 2.65%, and average interest rates in 2024 have been oscillating around 7%.

Went to check sources but you have to register to read the whole article, do you happen to know the source or another article that has them?

That also reminds me of this scene from Invincible where during the copying process their experiences are sort of “blended” making them see from both bodies at once, only here they both live and are separate afterwards.

Edit: is it obvious how much of a sci-fi geek I am lol

If anyone’s interested in a hard sci-fi show about uploading consciousness they should watch the animated series Pantheon. Not only does the technology feel realistic, but the way it’s created and used by big tech companies is uncomfortably real.

The show got kinda screwed over on advertising and fell to obscurity because of streaming service fuck ups and region locking, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s at least partially because of its harsh criticisms of the tech industry.

The animated series Pantheon has a scene depicting exactly this, and it’s one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen.

Edit: Here is the scene in question. It’s explained he has to be awake during the procedure because the remaining parts of his brain need to continue functioning in tandem with the parts that have already been scanned.

Well I decided to use CasaOS because I thought it would make things easier, but here it seems to complicate things. As far as I can tell CasaOS provides no way to manually change the docker-compose file (it is all done through the web UI) so I’m unsure how to do step 3 in the docs above.

Seems these are the relevant options: --runtime=nvidia \ --gpus all \

Anyone have an idea of how I can enable these options for my Jellyfin Docker container in CasaOS? I do see an option to add “container commands” but not sure what I would need to enter there if that is the correct place.

Thank you! After doing it this way I was finally able to get an output from nvidia-smi. Now would you happen to know how to give my Jellyfin Docker container access to the device for hardware acceleration?

(Solved) Need Help With My Self-Hosted Media Server
Edit: For those who stumble across this with the same issue, I eventually got it working by adding `“default-runtime”: “nvidia”,` to `/etc/docker/daemon.json` then restarting the docker service and Jellyfin container. I am in the process of setting up a new media server on an old PC using Ubuntu Server and CasaOS and have run into my first major roadblock. To give some background, I formerly had my media server running on my main gaming PC on Windows using Plex and the *arr suite. I’m now trying to do things the right way and set everything back up from scratch on some spare hardware with Jellyfin and all the rest in dockerized containers. I chose CasaOS because I’m not overly familiar with Linux and thought that would be a good way to ease into things. Everything was going well until I tried to get hardware acceleration enabled in Jellyfin. For the life of me I cannot seem to get the Nvidia drivers properly installed, much less give Jellyfin access to the device. I’m using a GTX 960. I’m not sure exactly what additional info I need to give here, but here’s something I hope helps: ``` *****@home-server:/$ nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. *****@home-server:/$ nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2021 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Thu_Nov_18_09:45:30_PST_2021 Cuda compilation tools, release 11.5, V11.5.119 Build cuda_11.5.r11.5/compiler.30672275_0 *****@home-server:/$ ls /usr/src | grep nvidia nvidia-srv-535.104.12 *****@home-server:/$ sudo dkms install -m nvidia -v srv-535.104.12 Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file. File: /usr/src/nvidia-srv-535.104.12/dkms.conf does not exist. ``` If there’s anything important I’m leaving out - and I probably am - let me know. Also if there’s anywhere else you recommend I post this let me know that as well.