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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


ObjC has always been a language that’s interested me in the sense that it’s very unique and it just seemed interesting. That being said I’ve never been involved in the apple ecosystem, not open enough for me so I got my mobile start on Android with Java…then realized I loved java, hated android development and never went back to mobile platform stuff LOL. I still haven’t moved to kotlin and with modern Java as it is I don’t currently plan to. Maybe I’ll give it a try if I ever try android development again but for now I’m just a user on the mobile side.

The mention of iOS 16 having 66% of system binaries not using swift is very interesting. I’m actually curious as to the equivalent number on Android. How many system APKs currently don’t use kotlin?

🤔 my GitHub activity is like, 1 commit every 6 months. Low activity!! GitHub isn’t where I keep my code.