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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


I started a permanent loblaws boycott this week. Won’t be shopping at any of the other big names either. Preparing to participate in the boycott led me to sign up for a co op that I should’ve been using all along and I don’t see myself ever going back. Anything they don’t carry I can get at a local independent grocer and they’re usually a little cheaper than no frills anyway.

Co ops are a solution to corporate greed, use them whenever possible.

This is a 9 year old article about a guy who isn’t in politics anymore. Still crazy and all, but this was in 2015.

Not only that, but the logging industry has a legal obligation to reforest areas they logged and ensure those trees reach free growing status. A legal obligation that is enforced better than most environmental regulations in the country. The logging companies wouldn’t plant trees AT ALL without it. In places like Russia where there isn’t that regulation, they just let the cut blocks regenerate slowly on their own because its so much cheaper.

Most tree planters would agree. The industry has a high rate turnover so half the people who do it don’t stick around long enough to really wrap their minds around how bad it is. I spent over a decade in the industry and planted a little over 1.3 million in that time, but I don’t tell people about it IRL because I got sick and tired of cringing with my entire being every time someone thanked me for it.

The saddest part is that in my experience, companies doing carbon credits or naturalization projects do a far worse job than the logging companies. We had a recurring contract with the carbon farmer where we went to the same fields year after year and planted trees that immediately died due to poor stock selection and ground preparation. They don’t have the regulation and oversight that the logging companies do. They also profit from convincing people to pay them to plant so it is in their best interests those trees die so they can maximize their profits with less land use.

Low understanding is an understatement. I have heard too many neighbours refer to it as a trucker strike and state they actually came close to deposing Trudeau because that’s what facebook told them. I hope I’ve convinced a few of them to start getting their news from actual journalists, but I’m not very confident.

Only he did go to Florida later that day and it cost far more than his original flight. Its not exactly easy to cancel an entire vacation last minute.

The reason they aren’t responding on social media is they recently fired a friend of mine who worked as their social media manager. She was the only person I know who refused to say anything negative about Galen Weston. I personally think they’re adopting a policy of ignoring everything the public says about them and fucking us all as hard as they can until the government steps in. Stop giving them your money!

Despite your petty assumptions, I have a great deal of experience working in that area. I have surveyed all the public, reserve, and resource roads within three hours drive of Fort Nelson working with the NWIPC. I also read the article.

Fort Nelson is next to the largest wilderness preserve in the Americas, an untamed land roughly the size of Ireland. It is extremely rural up there. Few enough roads that there’s no way he got that moose to other humans without using one of a few two lane highways where 100kph is the expected safe speed. Knowledge or not, bringing a moose calf inside your vehicle is extremely unpredictable and therefore hazardous to yourself and drivers around you. I’m amazed I have to spell this out.

Imagine thinking you can safely contain and control a baby moose in the passenger side of your truck going 100kmh down a two lane highway without putting innocent people at risk. Maybe if he didn’t put the moose INSIDE the truck I could empathize but my god is that a dangerous stunt. The bears and wolves will just eat it later anyway.