I’m just your average Canadian arctic wolf. I’m a siren enthusiast and railfan as my main hobbies. I run the Civil Defense Sirens Wiki, and am working on restoring a few vintage sirens (such as a FS&S Model L and a rare Sterling Siren MOD. F) as well as a 1970s Safetran mechanical crossing bell.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Yeah, that’s literally the entire point. If the subs are unusable, site traffic falls, Huffman makes less money and looks worse to the investors, and people find better alternatives like here.

Always used RIF, the stock Reddit app has always been unusably terrible.

There’s also hurting the “others” at any cost, even against their own interests

It’s an inherently self-destructive, unsustainable ideology. None of them think that they’ll become a victim of their own ideology until the Gestapo knocks on their door.

And I haven’t seen a single post that’s just memes about why they pirate or how morally superior we are for doing so. It’s a breath of fresh air.