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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Mar 28, 2024


I just respond with a hearty “yeeearghhhh!” and continue the conversation. The coworkers that know get it, the rest think I’m a lunatic.

Agreed. The only time I was suspended was because I filed a charge back for an incomplete, buggy game that was sold as finished. It took so long to even get running that I was just over the refund time limit and they refused to make an exception. There was some verbiage about being banned if I continued to do charge backs. I just stopped using Steam.

That’s actually an urban legend. Most of it was shown again by the NFL back in 2016 after they used various incomplete sources to patch the majority of the material back together.

The bit about the tape has a grain of truth to it. A man found a copy of most of the show in his father’s attic, had it restored, and wanted to sell it to the NFL but the two parties couldn’t agree on a price. The man and the curator of the organization which restored it both had watched it. It was then kept in a vault due to its value.

It was recently shown to the public by the organization that restored it, so I’m assuming it was never purchased by the NFL. Bummer for the finder.

Edit: I haven’t watched all of this, but it appears to be on YouTube. Grab a copy before the NFL finds out!

That’s how we felt! Who could make it through multiple Masters degrees and advanced certifications without even basic computer skills? I’d say it’s a one in a million chance and we found them.

I recently had a coworker who was unable to understand how to use Google or other search engines. She may have been the stupidest person I’ve ever met and was the living embodiment of the fact that one can be highly educated yet still incredibly stupid.

“… He is no longer the man he once was.”

Pretty sure that’s not true. I can’t imagine any ethical, sane person waking up one morning and thinking to themselves “you know, I think I will try a little raping today!”