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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Yeah I’m sure they’ll get right on that just like Loblaws cares about our boycott

How old are you btw? I mean that, we’ve been trying and demanding that for decades. But it got us nowhere. That’s why I’m past asking for stuff, I just had hoped the younger generation wouldn’t go through the same loop and just realize that the system doesn’t work. I had hoped the younger would just jump to revolution. I can’t lead it but I know how to build stuff! Pires, BBQs that can cook a billionaire sized pig, these contraptions that they used to use in France, forget the name.

Anyways I’m ready when young people are

People don’t change family doctors when they move though, so that banks on you living in the same place forever

How do you pick up your disabled kid from school and take em to the doctor 50km away on a bicycle? In the dream world that also has perfect and free transit?

Lol here’s my moving guys carrying all my furniture on bicycles.

Oh shoot my kids are done school, and I gotta take them to the dentist right after. Let me strap them and a baby seat to my back while I climb on this bicycle.

Oh here comes the bicycle delivering my new 60" tv!

Sucks I’m disabled and have no way to ride a bicycle, guess I’ll fucking die

Ban cars in the city!.. Where’s my Amazon package? And my Uber eats order? And my hello meal box?..

You have an entire list, but you still don’t realize the problem is You?

Here you go moron. Most of the Chinese themed events such as the season festival. Taste of Asia, etc. in Toronto are round about funded by the CCP who commits acts of genocide against its Muslim populations daily. But you guys aren’t really pro Muslim/Arab human rights, just anti Israel.


Why raise the Canadian flag then? How many of my native brothers y’all kill?

I once saw a teen stuff a full rack of ribs on each side of his baggy pants and synch the belt. Quite impressive. I hope that young man enjoyed those.

Bet she still went to the Chinese festival though

Edit: to everyone downvoting me. Most of the Chinese themed events in Toronto are round about funded by the CCP who commits acts of genocide against its Muslim populations daily. But you guys aren’t really pro Muslim/Arab human rights, just anti Israel.


Dunno if it’s just me but I’m Canadian and Walmart in the last 10 years particularly, has become a k-Mart level operation where it’s just stores full of the same crap for years, and don’t even bother trying to order online, that shit is a nightmare, and when you have a problem with your order, they don’t even reply to your emails let alone fix any issues. I don’t buy anything from Walmart anymore, they don’t have exclusive deals I can’t get elsewhere, and everyone price matches now.

Did you just tell a native person to leave the country if it doesn’t like your colonial bullshit?

I mean I’ll go back to where me and my people came from. Walks two steps. Now you.

You don’t get it do you. When I was college age, I could pay for my entire education with $15k. Which I thought was a lot. My child will have to take out loans for like x10 that amount and it will destroy her future before it even begins.

You’re being fooled by the government’s normalization of hopelessness.

Cause I’m of native background and was raised being told about the greatness, acceptance and generosity of Canada. Then I grew up and found out about native genocides, Confederate Amnesty, residential schools, John a MacDonald. I grew up into a Canada where food prices are through the roof because we’re being robbed and our governments don’t care. Higher education is unaffordable to anyone without wealthy parents, housing is pathetic, wages are a joke. Our premieres don’t care and push the buck to the feds, and the feds are off in another hemisphere giving away money and worrying about citizens of every nation but the one they’ve been elected to govern. Canadians are drowning and our elected officials can’t be bothered to even pretend they give a fuck.

You think I can just move country and it wouldn’t cost anything? I’m Canadian and this country is a disgrace. If I could leave I would. Edit: I’m native and saying I’d leave if I could. Instead of downvoting, reflect on how bad you colonized and fucked up my continent

Going to do that as I’ve joined a union and they have good deal on their credit union

I use TD for my paycheck and have for like 20 years. I’m switching as soon as I can. Over the last few years my services have been cut to almost nothing, when I bring it up at the branch they tell me to call it in, when I call it in they tell me to go to the branch. I can’t even photo deposit my checks and nobody cares to fix this. They’ve also become a lot more nosy. I’ve been working for the same company for 20 years and tellers still inspect the check for 10 minutes, ask me nosy questions about what I do for a living, and keep telling me there’s an error on my file which they fix, and the error just returns the next time I’m in.

TD is an absolute dumpster fire and they are beyond giving a fuck if you like it or not

Is there a way to know which charities and organizations he works with? It would be good if we all let them know what we think about their involvement with this scum bag

The u.s has this group of big biker guys who accompany abused children and help them testify in court and make them feel safe.

We should do that for tenants, just a group of bikers who will show up to your landlords house with you to collect your money

Nobody is debating that they can charge more, but to charge double is absurd

The food basics near me rips you off a different way. They purposely leave expired items on the shelf long past their date. Every single trip I find multiple items that are weeks past and they’re still front and center. If you don’t check the dates religiously, you end up with a few things that are expired. I’ve complained to the store and head office and they don’t even respond, they couldn’t care less.

They also never clean the produce racks, I’ve been seeing the same muck and stains for months

And they’ve been selling frozen/thawed bread as fresh. When I go buy English muffins or fresh bread. I find many of the bread packages are cold and half frozen

It’s an election year and I haven’t heard a damn thing out of jagmeet Singh except when this issue comes up. It’s clear he only cares about the south Indian community, and doesn’t want to be the PM of Canada

But our lawyers and judges still have to dress in that stupid ass costume like it’s the 1800s

I mean I am just cause I never shop there and none of em are near me. I’m lucky that there’s an independent market near me for all the produce, and a really great fish market where I can buy wild caught, sustainable fish.

To say “CONTINUE to act with integrity” means they still don’t think they’ve done anything wrong, even with the bread price fixing

Cause the Canadian government cares more about foreigners than they do about Canadians

I just saw a dentist for the first time in 10 years, after finally getting a union job with benefits. The dentist asked why I hadn’t seen anyone in a decade, like dude who can afford it? I’m so happy I have these benefits