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Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I hate that I have to pose this question, but does the GOP actually care?

Longing for the day when I can yee-haw at 300 km/h

How long until they close down the Google Chat app and move to something else that is barely different?

To add: there is a lot of history with socialist movements in the American midwest! Eugene Debs was from Indiana, Sewer Socialists ran Milwaukee for years, and the rural midwest had early populist uprisings against railroad monopolies.

The ghouls know this too and act against it in all the ways you listed above

Gender affirming care bans haven’t had a great time standing up in federal court in the past decade or so.

Groups like the ACLU and Lambda Legal have gone to great lengths to establish precedent that gender doesn’t have to be defined at birth, gender dysphoria is a genuine medical condition, and that gender affirming care helps with dysphoria.

That, combined with the precedent in Bostock that sexuality and gender identity can be covered by bans on sex discrimination makes it look like these bans will continue to fail when challenged.

Granted, the Federalist Society ghouls and their friends know this too and are trying to push back. Also, the Supreme Court could rule on 303 Creative v. Elenis tomorrow and absolutely devastate LGBT protections in the name of religious freedom. That would make this comment irrelevant almost immediately. As for now, we’ll probably see a lot more bans fail in federal court though

Who even has the vessels that can go deep enough to rescue them? This is the stuff of nightmares

Huffman / spez is trying to follow the same outrage farming playbook that countless other rich guys like Trump and Musk have followed.

  1. Gain money and/or control over something prominent that more or less works
  2. Identify targets that you want to hurt or screw over
  3. Make big changes that damage the thing you control with no time for your targets to adjust
  4. When your targets complain or protest, double down and don’t apologize or change course
  5. Cultivate a critical mass of smoothbrained useful idiots that enjoy the way you stick to your guns and hurt others
  6. ???
  7. Profit. Literally. You’ll have a smaller base, but they’re loyal and you can make money off of them.

The question is whether spez will get to step 5. He’s already gotten to step 4.