Systems Engineer and Configuration
Management Analyst.

Postgrad degree is in computer science/cybersecurity, but my undergraduate is in archaeology. Someday, maybe, I’ll merge the two fields professionally!

I love true science fiction, as well as all things aviation, outer space, and NASA-related.

Lastly, Calvin and Hobbes is the best comic strip of all time!

Glad to be here trying out kbin and the fediverse.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


This is good news! And we/they should keep pushing for more, everywhere. Good for IBEW for continuing the pressure.

I think Google peaked about 6-8 years ago now and then started slipping at an ever accelerating rate.

It’s almost useless for me when searching anything remotely technical or otherwise niche.

I almost consistently need to go to the second page of results now, something I don’t remember doing since like 2009.

I find Bing acceptable. Brave search works well. But I’m actually using Kagi now since I’m hoping their paid model will actually mean I’m not the product.

US urged to reveal UFO evidence after claim that it has intact alien vehicles
This is the highest profile organization yet that I've seen run this story.