• 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: May 02, 2022


You’re grasping at straws to try to invalidate me instead of saying anything that would back up your point making your argument weaker. There was no repetition from me so if you’ve heard this before it would seem you’ve had this discussion before and may benefit from listening. Perhaps you shouldn’t respond if you have nothing to say

A better example of a pogrom might be the killing of over 30,000 civilian Palestinians and simultaneously starving them to death with blockade following 75 years of occupation and a century of colonialism. Proportionality matters and it doesn’t favor your argument

One need not pretend something that is already factually accurate. This was a retaliation and direct response for Israel bombing Iran’s consulate in Syria on April 1. This is why Iran targeted and struck the Negev air force base ( which contains US F-35s used to bomb Gaza ) as that is the base from which that attack originated. This is also why Iran says it now considers the matter “concluded” and warned the US and Israel against further reprisals. Those are facts and not “pretending” so if you are going to “pretend” this isn’t true and try to distort the matter I’m not interested.

The best part is the UN charter clearly states that when a country is attacked, it has aright to self defense. Let’s watch Israel talk their way around that as they vindicate Iran and incriminate themselves.

The infamy of Nixon's foreign-policy architect sits, eternally, beside that of history's worst mass murderers. A deeper shame attaches to the country that celebrates him

I wondered this too but I think it’s fairly simple. It looks like you head over to the community you want to post in and then you’ll see a menu in the top right with the option to post and other choices. It seems a little more intuitive in the mobile browser but that should work