Tankiedesantski [he/him]
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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Sep 21, 2020


I have been job hunting for a while and I have felt a great disadvantage in my job search due to my lack of access to high-quality LLMs. Writing cover letters is honestly so bullshit.

Has job hunting gotten so bad that it’s just LLMs reading the output of other LLMs?

I’ve been eyeing Yuzu to play games like Pokemon Scarlet and Xenoblade 3 since they both run like shit on the switch and a smooth 60 fps at 4k on Yuzu.

I bought both games at release, I just can’t stand playing at 20 fps.

safely hidden behind some kind of digital or geopolitical veil

When will people learn that the safest place to develop a Nintendo emulator is Pyongyang?

Or it’s actually just some benign thing because you haven’t posted any evidence which says that the .gsX files are even malicious or caused by Chinese apps. I’ve been googling for it and haven’t found any serious documentation about it. A reddit post linking it with Hotels.com (American company, lmao) and an LTT thread linking it to Ladaza (a Filipino app). In the absence of more and better proof, I’m not even convinced that it’s an exploit.

And again. You claimed that ALL Chinese apps ask for IMEI permissions. No proof of that either. It’s all just made up horse shit to justify your vibes based racism about how Chinese people can’t code.

Regarding health coverage, it definitely depends on the employer, if you are unemployed and didn’t pay the optional premium, you won’t be cured as well. In other capitalist European countries you would be cured the same way for free no matter if you are homeless, unemployed or a billionaire. I lived several months in Beijing and I never saw an ambulance on the streets. Asked around, I always got the same response “ambulance too expensive, we go hospital by taxi”. Seems weird that a “communist” country doesn’t share resources with the comrades.

None of this is consistent with the link I provided so it’s your word and anecdote against the professionally prepared page and its supporting citations.

you annoying mosquitoes

Aussie liberal avoid dehumanizing people challenge: Impossible

Woah you read some anonymous person’s social media page and went to a GitHub page that may or may not be connected to the same person?

Fuck, call the Pulitzer committee, we got ourselves an investigative journalist.

Maybe the folders are empty because your Xiaomi has the “cleaner” app. Did you ever wonder why only Chinese phones have “cleaner” apps? Because the situation in the country is widely abused.

Again. Explain the Samsung not having a single hidden folder under the same circumstances. Is it because Samsung had a “cleaner” function too? Is the situation in South Korea widely abused top? Most Android phones have cleaning and self maintenance functions. Google’s Files app has a similar cleaning function. Has the problem spread to the US?!

You repeat that taobao or Huawei app store don’t have ads on the splash screen. This means you never actually used those apps.

No, those store apps are store apps. Of course they’re going to try to sell you shit. When I open my Amazon app the first thing it does is show me shit I might want to buy. Is Besos Chinese now too? When did this happen?

Your ridiculous claim is that all Chinese apps are similar. Therefore they all show ads on boot. My onus of proof is discharged when I show even one single Chinese app with no ads on boot, which is a lot of them.

The way you’re defending those coding practices is really weird. I notice now your username. Now I understand. It’s not that because the ruling party has a nostalgic symbol in their logo (but it’s as capitalist as the usa, without health insurance you’re fucked), the apps made in that country are automatically good and perfect.

Oh that’s weird, tell me about how Chinese people are fucked without health insurance when there’s universal health insurance?

I’m not defending any coding practices because there’s no such thing as a “Chinese coding practice” to defend. You started off saying that there were at least 3 verifiable things that all Chinese apps do, and now you’re down to “look, there’s a general vibe from apps from China”.

And yes, like the other 8.1 billion people on the planet (sans you, of course), I live on stolen land! Have mercy!

Engaging in genocide minimization to own the socialists.

I used all of them because I got my new phone a few days into the trip and used it for the remaining week or so I was there. I’m still using Chinese apps on a daily basis now, so why are they all empty?

Let’s talk about your other claims as well. Irrelevant permissions? Zero. Ads on boot? Hardly everything since most of the utility apps don’t have ads at all.

i repeat the statement, all chinese apps are similar, look for example mijia and meidi smart home, they’re basically identical, like “there’s only one way to make a smart home app”

All American apps are similar. Look for example Twitter and Threads, they’re basically identical, like “there’s only one way to make a social media platform”

I use dozens of chinese apps and i can totally distinguish immediately when the dev is chinese.

Well I’m sorry my digital caliper sense isn’t as developed as yours. I’ll strive to be better.

I’m sorry we can’t all be credulous stooges of American imperialism living on stolen land like you.

All three gsX folders were empty by the way, and that doesn’t explain why the samsung was squeaky clean. By your own admission this is no longer the case on newer versions of the apps and android, so you should at the very least go back and edit your post to put it into past tense.

Also, your assertion was that all Chinese apps are similar, so 3 out of dozens makes your statement demonstrably false.

First of all, if there is a better source then OP should post the better source to begin with. Everyone should be skeptical when presented with a second hand summary of something going through two weak sources.

As for the original source, it’s an NED front based in the US so as far as I’m concerned it can be dismissed with no further consideration.

The first link is just quoting the social media post verbatim. Treat it with the same degree of reliability as “this guy said on Facebook/Twitter…”

Second article actually goes out of its way to say how uncommon it is to be punished for circumventing the firewall:

“Climbing the firewall results in punishment” is not the norm A common misunderstanding among the public about circumvention is that anyone who circumvents the wall will be punished. This is unrealistic for two reasons: first, the public security organs do not have that many law enforcement police; second, the public security organs are not as busy as you think. Most of the time, the punishment for circumventing the wall is to pull out the radish and bring out the mud. There are typical cases where the public security organs take the initiative to go to the external network to arrest people, but the number is very small.

Judging from the 50 cases, only one case adopted the first-level “extreme law enforcement model”, that is, the “use of circumvention software is punishable” model. The description of the case was “A certain person used his own mobile phone to use a VPN on the Internet to circumvent the firewall.” Wall software, its behavior constitutes the unauthorized use of non-legal channels for international networking." Even so, the actual situation of enforcement may be different from the description of the administrative penalty decision.

I just tried this with both my Xiaomi and my Samsung using both first party and third party file managers. Xiaomi showed 3 .gsX folders despite it being absolutely full of Chinese apps that I loaded on. Samsung with the same method had zero.

Why are all Chinese apps like this?

If you ever notice, all apps developed in china are similar. Ads at start, invasive tracking using dummy images dropped in /pictures, unnecessary permissions like phone and IMEI, and so on. They literally don’t have a way to compare to something else. There’s the Baidu SDK, Tencent SDK, aliyun SDK and they are using bad coding practices because they’re doing that in isolation


What kind of shitty apps are you installing? Some of the most popular mobile games in the world are Chinese (Genshin, Honkai, Azurlane, Ark Knights, etc) and none of them do any of this shit.

I went to China recently with a buddy and I loaded a ton of China specific apps onto our phones. Mine was a Samsung and his was an iPhone. Between WeChat, Alipay, Taobao, Amap, DiDi, Dianping, the China Customs Service app and a bunch of other store and region specific apps, literally none of them did anything you described. I also bought a Xiaomi phone in China and migrated all my data over, so I can confirm that these apps don’t do anything like that even on a Chinese phone (which, btw, is way more strict with permissions than my Samsung, down to telling me each and every time google maps requested my location).

In addition to that, I have a bunch of apps for stuff from Chinese companies on my phone like Mijia, Fiio, Huawei, Moondrop, etc and none of them do this shit either.

Third party scraped reports citing a crypto shill site’s reporting on a blurry and redacted document from China’s equivalent of Facebook is how I get all my accurate and true news about things that really happened.