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Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Wow, that’s gross. Five a day? I think any healthy human being uses the washroom more than five times a day. And yes, I know these products can contain more, but the question is; should we let them sit in their filth because we can? I think that’s horrific

“Food prices are going up. We have no idea why. Must suck to not be able to pay for food. Guess there’s nothing we can do 🤷.” - the government in a couple years probably

Wow, look at this Karen being part of the problem and making her child’s life infinitely harder. Way to go.

I see she never interacts with any minorities either if she thinks that “Jews are the only minority marginalized group that gets to be told by other people what is and what isn’t offensive. No other group would be told to calm down and to relax.” Holy cow she’s delusional.

I looked up the article (here in case anyone else wants to read it), although I would not give them more clicks honestly.

It’s absolutely despicable. They updated the headline. But nowhere in the article do they mention what’s what.

In a video shared widely on social media and reviewed by CTV News Toronto, a man holding what appears to be a nail gun can be seen grabbing a person wearing a keffiyeh.

No mention who the attacker is (Zionist) nor the victim(s), just “wearing a keffiyeh” as if the general public knows what this (either a Palestinian or pro-Palestine protester).

This is no coincidence and has got to be the worst piece of “journalism” I have seen since Oct 7.

Edit: they updated the article again, making it marginally better, but the bar is on the floor here…

How about we don’t call for the genocide of any group you fucking cunts. We can’t call for the genocide of Jews (rightfully so) but calling for the genocide of Palestinians is fine I guess. Why is the question framed the way that it is (spoiler: we all know the answer)? Shouldn’t Palestinians feel safe on campus as well?

Also CTV can get fucked with their reporting on Palestine and Israel: https://breachmedia.ca/ctv-bell-media-forbids-palestine-suppresses-criticism-israel/

Good for them! It appears the younger generations have no issue standing up for what is right, I applaud them.