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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Sounds like your typical engineer. I passed fluid dynamics, I deserve to look at the big ball of plasma.

My eyes haven’t hurt this bad since studying for differential equations theory… Have I told you I’m an engineer?

What if we ended private ownership of businesses. I don’t mean ending ownership of businesses, but that every business became publicly tradeable. No more private ownership of businesses

Not sure if that would really lead to any significant change. Most billionaires “own” publicly traded companies. In fact, most billionaires became billionaires when their companies initiated an IPO.

The problem is that rich people can use their stock as collateral for huge untaxable loans. What we need to do is figure out a way to classify and tax these loans without taxing things like mortgages.

And art should be accessible to everyone, not just the wealthy. There’s a reason that piracy almost died out completely and then came back with a vengeance. People don’t mind paying a reasonable price for art, the prices and accessibility of art has just become unfeasible.

Tbh, the whole SS thing isn’t that significant. Pretty much all Nazi on the eastern front were just as likely to be doing war crimes as the SS.

There was no real attempt in compartmentalizing out atrocities to the SS, aspects of the Wehrmacht took part in almost all crimes against of humanity on the eastern front that were later completely attributed to the SS.

The “Clean Wehrmacht” myth began its propagation before the war was even over, with Wehrmacht command all too happy to proclaim they were just too Prussian not to follow orders, and it was really all the crazy SS officers in charge of the war crimes the whole time.

It’s true that “Nazism” has spread and warped throughout eastern Europe(including Russia) in a response to the fall of the Soviet Union. Yes, the complexity of this problem is nuanced in a way western media doesn’t seem to want to understand… But what the hell does the modern interpretation of reactionary fascism have to do with a guy who allied with actual Nazi?

Yeah, no one actually got on base by saying they were trying to go to Burger King. You have to actually have the ability to enter that base to use any facilities. The article states the only people who actually made it on base were those who sped past the gate… which depending on security levels could lead to you getting lit up by a MP unit.