• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


just do everything in Isabelle and prove correctness, ezpz no tests required

Looking for a specific Blog post
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but not too long ago I saw a blog post where the author mentioned in passing that an entire episode of the show Mr. Robot was based on a writeup the author did about a private CTF challenge, and they knew because the show even used the same solution which happened to be the organizer's telephone number. All searches with these prompts yield nothing but posts about the show, but the blog post I'm looking for had nothing to do with the show. I don't remember where exactly I saw the post. Might've been in a Primeagen video, might've been posted in this community. I know at least that it must've been on the 22nd of December, as I apparently googled for "mr robot" on that day, and I remember specifically searching that as I have not heard of the show before this blog post.

Actually when it comes to C++ 23 library features, MSVC is ahead of both. In fact, as far as I can tell, MSVC is the only compiler that fully supports all C++ 20 core language features at the moment. So credit where credit is due, MSVC has gotten way way better the past few years. Visual Studio is still awful, but the compiler has become quite competent.

yup, my bad. Frankly I thought grapheme meant something else, rather stupid of me. I think I understand the issue now and agree with you.

The way UTF-8 works is fixed though, isn’t it? A new Unicode standard should not change that, so as long as the string is UTF-8 encoded, you can determine the character count without needing to have the latest Unicode standard.

Plus in Rust, you can instead use .chars().count() as Rust’s char type is UTF-8 Unicode encoded, thus strings are as well.

turns out one should read the article before commenting

This talk is technically not about Zig, but he still shows many of Zig’s strengts: https://youtu.be/aPWFLkHRIAQ?si=b-rf_oM*removed*IvAdq

To me, Zig is a language that tries to be like C, but with all the decades of mistakes removed, or rather with modern knowledge of good language design in mind, while keeping as much compatibility as possible, as to not require a lot of work for the transition as Rust did. Thus, if you’re working in a C codebase, you’ll be good to go to integrate Zig in as little as an hour. They also have by far the cleanest solution to macros and generics that I have seen yet (although I miss my type classes).