UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 11, 2022


I had a security guard at a hospital give me a hard time about wearing a mask still. It’s doffrent down here

Yes, and everyone around you all the time is going unmasked and raw dogging the world. Including members of your family. So you either have to give up all social contact, since even if you are good about masking your friends will want to go out and eat and drink in public. So you skip that or take an exposure. Even stuff like wearing s mask to the grocery store which, would be a good precaution, has a nonzero chance of leading to some altercation. It really is wild how hostile society is to what would be simple precautions. Ahh, I got caught by federation. I didn’t realize this was a Canada thread. Maybe you have it easier up there. Down here in America things are… stressful

There are so many vectors for infection that it is kinda silly to try. That being said I still wear mine as a matter of professional ethics.

Yes. I work in a hospital and people tend not to bother anymore among the staff.

I remember when vaccines rolled out. I would have to sit down and go over it. But there was a time where I stopped having to process bodies for the morgue at my job and that was a nice change. We still saw lots of sick people, they just didn’t die nonstop. So vaccine all thr way.