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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 28, 2023


Yeah I’m not saying they didn’t edit it, but rather the master footage they were editing was on vhs or similar. I guess it’s probably quite likely they would’ve had some sort of better quality magnetic tape rather than vhs come to think of it though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Some was 16mm but probably mostly shot straight to vhs:


And the bbc was notoriously bad at not losing archival footage of tv shows

Fun until you want to get a mortgage or something 😂

But maybe you won’t need to with all the inheritances you’ll get from rich people who died with no children 😂

Why would they need documentation?: There’s only one programmer. 😂

Or maybe they’re just mutts about each other.

Reminds me of how I made tic tac toe game for my first university assignment 🤣

Unless you’re using assembly, strings do everything, since the code files are also strings.

Sounds like you just need a bigger graphics card to me. 😂

That’s basically embedded programming, or pretty similar.

Ease of access to the underlying hardware in your programming language is only ever needed for embedded programming in the current year. Change my mind.