And even beyond that - hierarchical systems effectively reward and thus select for psychopathy.
People with morals, ethics, integrity and/or empathy will refrain from making choices that would conflict with their principles, while people without any of those things are free to pursue any course of action that will benefit them, with no concern for anything else.
So all other things being more or less equal, psychopaths actually have a competitive advantage in hierarchical systems.
And it shows.
If the world was a just place, it would cost them their lives, since by cutting the sole source of healthcare funding for many of the poorest Americans, they’re effectively committing mass murder, so should be tried, and if convicted, sentenced just as any other mass murderers would be.
Or better yet, if they were just minimally decent human beings, they wouldn’t condemn poor people to avoidable sickness and death in the first place.
My presumption is that the goal is to establish one homogeneously plutocratic and oligarchic landmass, broken up only by the Bering Strait, running all the way from Florida to Eastern Europe.