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Cake day: Apr 06, 2024


I worked for Bernie’s campaign in '16, and I agree with this about some of his top staff… There were times where it legitimately seemed like they were deliberately screwing things up… And since a lot of them were establishment Dems who had previously worked for the likes of Hillary it wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out they were.

I think the biggest reason he lost the primary was the Party shenanigans though. All the tricks we see the Republicans using now-a-days like voter purges and closing polling locations last minute are tricks they learned from Hillary’s campaign and the DNC schills that control the state parties. And of course there was just straight up fraud in some places like Iowa.

As for his supporters, he actually got millions of young people to show up and vote in the primary who otherwise wouldn’t have. Millions of whom almost certainly didn’t show up to vote for Clinton, and likely wouldn’t have thought twice about voting at all had it not been for Bernie. Had he been on the ballot millions of young people who didn’t show up for Clinton would have shown up. I doubt anyone who voted for Clinton would have voted for Trump over Bernie, and I doubt they would have stayed home. The DNC flushed millions of new voters’ votes down the toilet by forcing Clinton through.